
by RippedApple · 2 posts
6 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 6 years ago · Author
Astronomers face an embarrassing conundrum: they don't know what 95% of the universe is made of. Atoms, which form everything we see around us, only account for a measly 5%. Over the past 80 years it has become clear that the substantial remainder is comprised of two shadowy entities – dark matter and dark energy. The former, first discovered in 1933, acts as an invisible glue, binding galaxies and galaxy clusters together. Unveiled in 1998, the latter is pushing the universe's expansion to ever greater speeds. Astronomers are closing in on the true identities of these unseen interlopers.
Does anyone know what it means first one wins?
Posted 6 years ago
it mean we are mini, little, microscopic, at this scale, but we
and may be, we are not alone ! :D
We believe strong, we are just like insects on a big balloon, so take care my friend ! lol :p

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