How much times to you pleasure youself a week

by Hokage · 51 posts
7 years ago in AP Lounge
Posted 6 years ago
hmmm, about 5 times in a week, normally xD
Posted 6 years ago
It depends on my mood but on average I do so once every day making that seven times a week. Although, I've had days where I'd do it 5+ times because why not. :awesome36:

-- Wed Jan 17, 2018 3:30 am --

DataMine wrote:
NekaLion wrote:I can say it depends on my tiredness level. But on a really boring day, it can be over 5 times lol. I would say I prefer another person, but I do myself right when others can't soooo, I might be in between on that. I was starting to think I was the only person here who could go that many times, lol.

5+ a day squad. Glad to know I'm not alone in this. :tlasmug:
Posted 6 years ago
Anywhere from 1-6 times per-day. Depends on mood, fatigue and how much I did the previous day. Generally speaking, I prefer lengthy sessions for at least 1-3 of my orgasms. But there are rare occasions where I do have a day off to recuperate, or I've just been so busy that there hasn't been the opportunity. For me, it can be an enjoyable way to wake up in the morning, even if I don't finish myself off.

As for toys vs hands, I prefer my trusty digits. Less cleanup and I the best level of control. Latex gloves always make a quick and fun addition to such as well that's easy to clean up.

Posted 6 years ago
All the Time especially when I'm having sex on IMVU that is wow Then Its on Lefty lucy and Righty Tighty comes out to play . :tlasmug:
Posted 6 years ago
It varies for me, sometimes 5 times a week, sometimes once a week.
Posted 5 years ago
Per... week? None, really.
Per month? Once or twice I would say. Too many reasons, and tmi to explain, so I'll leave it at that.
It doesn't bother me badly, but I already tried to bring the "hey, my libido may be low?" to some doctors, who just brush it off as something normal.
Posted 5 years ago
2 - 3 times a day for me depending on how good certain videos are
Posted 3 years ago
Its changes bot when i have gf itst 2 in a day while single 3 or 2 in a week

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