Depression and Anxiety

by DeleteEverything · 16 posts
6 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 6 years ago · Author
It's like a hole that's constantly being dug for me, I don't have to do anything. The hole digs itself and I somehow end up deeper and deeper into this hole.. And the more I try to get out it's always "too tired" "do it later" "you'll get it done" and then days pass by... Nothing gets done..
Even when I'm not sleeping, I'm staring off into space and I'm like that all day.

I want to be successful but with my depression the way it is I feel like I'm helpless, I can't do anything.. I'm stuck and I can't get out..

I have to fight my conscious all the time and it's just horrible... Some days I give in and other times I fight it back. But lately my conscious has been kicking me in the ass.. IT's mean. It always says mean things like " you're worthless. You'll never succeed. Why do you Even exist.. Why?

It's not a voice That's speaking to me. It's just myself.. And I don't know why it does this. I may come off crazy to a lot of people but. I have no idea how to explain "the voice" I hear which is my conscious.. It's just harsh and cruel... And When I'm asked what's wrong and why I'm crying by people is " I'm having issues right now " And that's because I'm in the middle of fighting myself. And it just makes me feel crazy if i was to say that.. But I'm tired of bottling it up. If it makes sense then it does and if it doesn't then it doesn't.

When I have all these ideas in your head to create such great art, but then you're depression says " i'll do it after this nap" and it's always like that for me then I fall behind on my art and even my requests... Some people say they don't mind, even when it is free. I just get so caught up in my depression and thoughts everything falls to pieces then I'm left not wanting to finish any art... It makes me feel worse than I already do when I end up way behind on someone's art.

I know there are other's out here with the same problem as me but.. Everyone handles things differently. And My anxiety and depression are like physical people that kick my ass and I've been down and out for a whole year with this issue of just crying spells. I usually handle it fine.
Posted 6 years ago
I know what you're going through. I deal with the same thing on a daily basis.
@Don Von Alpha Dom
can attest to that.
Posted 6 years ago
Depression sucks!! :-(
Posted 6 years ago · Author
DataMine wrote:
I know what you're going through. I deal with the same thing on a daily basis. @Don Von Alpha Dom can attest to that.

It takes certain type of people to deal with others. Da'w Dom is special : }. You special lucky snowflake you.
Posted 6 years ago
So true @ it takes a certain type of people to deal with others ^ ^
Posted 6 years ago
I think it's important to try to make your own habits when you suffer from depression. A routine helps enormously. I also think being creative is something we set aside but which can be therapeutic.
Posted 6 years ago · Author
lumbago888 wrote:
I think it's important to try to make your own habits when you suffer from depression. A routine helps enormously. I also think being creative is something we set aside but which can be therapeutic.

I think that's one of the most helpful things I ever heard when it comes to Mental Disabilities. Some are not severe for others. Everyone needs their own "thing" to help deal with it. Different people deal with things differently so it is important for them to have their own thing to help them with it. I do not have any of that ._. I'm just all over the place.
Posted 6 years ago
pop pills to kill the pain ;p
Posted 6 years ago
smykey wrote:
pop pills to kill the pain ;p

Don't take any pills not prescribed to you by a qualified professional.

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