Buy from disabled creators on IMVU

by hammy0o · 38 posts
7 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 6 years ago
ichig0o wrote:
Is there a way/h4c|

well... u can use another site but I will have to pm u the link since it's prohibited to advertise the site here
I found a few disabled products using this, Disclaimer, it may or may not work depending on if the person has disabled/retired :tla9:
Posted 6 years ago
I tried this the other day..On my Main I looked for my alts Catty and it is no where out there..(Being as I let VIP lapse on my alt acct) Now I logged onto my alt and got a link to a item in her catty and using that same link on my main I tried to go to the page..I could not Buy it I could not Dev from it...But then My alt can send it to my main. So hopefully that explains about people that had let thier VIP lapse or are Disabled or retired :tlasmug:
Posted 6 years ago
Adryan wrote:
i descovered a way to buy from disabled devsstep 1:add the product you want to your main account's wishlist.step 2:make a dummy account if you dont have a secondary account.step 3:transfer credits to that dummy account ( make sure the e-mail is verified).step 4:add the dummy account to your main account's friend list.step 5:login to the dummy account and gift the products to your main accountNote: this method only works if you know the disabled dev's name and search his\ her products with other means (basicly if you can find the product's link)enjoy

this is very intresting info to know, i will try this if it still works
Posted 6 years ago
I tried the gifting not long ago and was sure it didn't work. Can someone verify that it still does?
Posted 6 years ago
IMVUMaster67 wrote:
I tried the gifting not long ago and was sure it didn't work. Can someone verify that it still does?

Last I checked, it still worked if you chose the option for the gift to be delivered on the next holiday.
Posted 6 years ago
Don Von Alpha Dom wrote:
IMVUMaster67 wrote:I tried the gifting not long ago and was sure it didn't work. Can someone verify that it still does?Last I checked, it still worked if you chose the option for the gift to be delivered on the next holiday.

I thought I'd verify it as I wanted a few things that the dev was retired or disbaled. Looks like No Go. I tried immediate gift and delayed holiday gift for both retired and disabled devs. Error every time.

Shame, some good stuff dormant now and unbuyable.

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