Beware craigslist

by Curlymember666 · 7 posts
7 years ago in AP Lounge
Posted 7 years ago · Author
I'm just gonna keep this brief. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN MEETING PEOPLE ON CRAIGSLIST! Whether you want to buy or sell something or meet someone from the Personals, just understand that you could be dealing with a criminal or a criminal organization. I cannot stress more how dangerous it is nowadays, as it really has been hijacked by the worst of humanity. Be safe, that's all I am saying.
Posted 6 years ago
i dont buy from craigslist for that same reason i remember the craigslist killer so im all the way good
Posted 6 years ago
what is it though

a lot of people talk about it but i never understood it what the hell is that

Posted 6 years ago
Craigslist is like eBay but more I would say personal I suppose. Your more than likely to meet the seller that say a seller on Amazon. You can contact people through there. You can find job listings there as well but Craigslist has pretty much earned a shit reputation because of what people do on there. And the Craigslist killer is a good example of it too. People post ads from selling their cars and washing machines to sex. It's rediculous and really sketchy.
Posted 6 years ago
Several years ago and I mean several years maybe 20 years ago I lived in Texas and There was a news report on this sort of thing..the reason being is that a Girl that went to UTSA had answered a add from craigslist to buy a car. She went up and met with the man to look at the Vehicle he was only about 30 mins away from where she lived..She went missing. Several weeks later they found her body she had been mutilated. It ended up they traced it back to the man that had the ad for the car and that he had still had the same add in the paper and trying to lure more in. He's probably out by now but even so....There are some sick People out there that will do just about anything to get what they want
Posted 6 years ago
I have used craigslist a lot mostly to buy things that can be shipped but I did meet a seller when I was looking to buy a vehicle. Maybe because I'm a guy I underplay the danger and figure I can keep myself out of trouble but yeah, I agree completely. If you're going to meet a seller to complete a purchase, take a friend. A big beefy burly mandingo mf friend. :)
Posted 6 years ago
I never been on the Craigslist, Nor ever looked at it. But its true don't try to have sex from anyone by Craigslist completely dangerous.

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