Any possible way to prevent crashing caused by someone?

by Image11 · 26 posts
6 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 6 years ago · Author
I know my previous post got locked since its prohibited to promote crashing codes and such. Now I want to know if its possible to prevent getting crashed by someone else. Does the T3DE mute button works against people who whispers me the crashing code? I need help if possible.
Posted 6 years ago · Author
Okay I will try to see if it does work and let you guys know. If not i'm just going to build a case with imvu
Posted 6 years ago · Author
Well yesterday I joined the room, told him to try to crash me again. After that I muted him and I it kinda took him a longer time to crash me this time. The muting button works for like a few mins but then you end up crashing.

The trend of crashing code is back , multiple people are doing it now and a lot people r complaining about it. I thought I was the only one with this problem but a few people reached out to me and told me whats up.
Posted 6 years ago
Image11 wrote:
Well yesterday I joined the room, told him to try to crash me again. After that I muted him and I it kinda took him a longer time to crash me this time. The muting button works for like a few mins but then you end up crashing.The trend of crashing code is back , multiple people are doing it now and a lot people r complaining about it. I thought I was the only one with this problem but a few people reached out to me and told me whats up.

Wow this sounds so annoying. :/

I haven't ran into any crashers myself or haven't been crashed by anyone before but I can't picture how annoying that would be when I just want to hang around ugh... Hope it gets sorted out for you soon, do tell if you find some method you would like to share to avoid issues like this, would not hurt to keep some prevention method under the sleeve I guess for the future if it does happen
Posted 6 years ago

There isn't really any. It's just losers thinking they are cool or have some sort of power.
Posted 6 years ago
Xhynrae wrote:
Really don't understand what joy there is in making other's crash
Like DM said, nothing really. Altho some people just enjoy griefing people and get their joy out of it, then also the feeling cool or have power over someone when having the power to crash them definitely has something to do it.

We humans are weird lol, we won't probably get it what's the joy or need to bully someone either but people still do it. I really hope I won't clash with someone like this at any point, I mean I come around to spend some free time to relax after work, not here to deal with frustrating kids who wants to crash other people and think it's funny.
Posted 6 years ago
What's the point of making someone crash, we all just bored asf, that's why we're on VU in the first place

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