
by KrystineZombbie · 18 posts
6 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 6 years ago · Author
Hi so there is this girl on imvu named emberravens who was in my family and was a friend of someone i know and lately she is constantly harassing my family using imvu, kik, facebook and everything anyone gave her to be able to talk to her to make death threats and stalking them into rooms. One of my friends is having a emotional break down because she knows this girl in real life and shes making her imvu life and real life hell. is there something you can do because imvu isnt doing anything about it.
Posted 6 years ago
She sounds like a major cunt, have you tried blocking her on all of those apps and social networks?
Posted 6 years ago
Blocking on all accounts sounds good. You can also try ignoring her. If her goal is to get a reaction out of u, that should piss her off. U may also try going DnD and setting messages to friends only for a while until she cools off.
Posted 6 years ago · Author
we've tried blocking, reporting and everything but she just finds a way around it. Shes even gone as far as becoming friends with the owners of rooms we go in and having them mod her so that we are no longer able to go in without her booting us.
Posted 6 years ago
Hey there,

From what I hear you are in a situation i was in once...

My advice : 1st = Block the bitch everywhere on all social media you have that person on.

2nd = Avoid her irl also if you know that person irl.

3th = Try to talk to the owner of that room you like to go to and try to explain what she's doing and why she wanted to be a mod to keep you out,
maybe that way the owner may change that but seriously if she/he is coming there then id consider going somewhere els because fuck that
person you know.

4th = hide your location and if you have to go dnd (i say this because ik people who made a new account over and over to stalk me lol so yeaaa do
that if needed )

More i can't think of atm tbh but i hope this lil will help a lil bit,

Kind Regards I3lackShadow ;)
Last edited by I3lackShadow on Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posted 6 years ago · Author
I3lackShadow wrote:
Hey there,From what I hear you are in a situation i was in once...My advice : 1st = Block the bitch everywhere on all social media you have that person on.2nd = Avoid her irl also if you know that person irl.3th = Try to talk to the owner of that room you like to go to and try to explain what she's doing and why she wanted to be a mod to keep you out,maybe that way the owner my chance that but seriously if she/he is coming there then id consider going somewhere els because fuck thatperson you know. a4th = hide your location and if you have to go dnd (i say this because ik people who made a new account over and over to stalk me lol so yeaaa dothat if needed )More i can't think of atm tbh but i hope this lil will help a lil bit,Kind Regards I3lackShadow

thank you for the advice but it seems the more people go against her the more people she goes after and even when we ignore her she doesnt stop. we've tried to contact imvu to ban her or something but we cant prove it because she threatens us over other social media and just stalks us online. we're not sure what to do really.
Posted 6 years ago
KrystineZombbie wrote:
I3lackShadow thank you for the advice but it seems the more people go against her the more people she goes after. we've tried to contact imvu to ban her or something but we cant prove it because she threatens us over other social media and just stalks us online. we're not sure what to do really.

Wel my friend block her on social media make sure everyone involved or you know do also (how's she gonna threaten people then? you know )

and block her on imvu and hide your location and go dnd when you get invited by a random new account or person you don't know , get it ?

that way you don't hear from that woman. If you don't , may god bless you my friend.

And if she's trouble in real life or finds a way to threaten you again on social media i'll say save it take screen shots show it to the cops maybe they'll make her stop or something but overall atm i recommend strongly blocking her on imvu and social media and turn of your location.

Why? i can hear you ask... Well look at it this way if (big if knowing imvu staff) imvu banns her , she's just gonna make a new account and begin all over again ....

So yea this is my view over it best of luck my friend. ^^
Posted 6 years ago · Author
I3lackShadow wrote:
KrystineZombbie wrote: I3lackShadow thank you for the advice but it seems the more people go against her the more people she goes after. we've tried to contact imvu to ban her or something but we cant prove it because she threatens us over other social media and just stalks us online. we're not sure what to do really.Wel my friend block her on social media make sure everyone involved or you know do also (how's she gonna threaten people then? you know )and block her on imvu and hide your location and go dnd when you get invited by a random new account or person you don't know , get it ?that way you don't hear from that woman. If you don't , may god bless you my friend.And if she's trouble in real life or finds a way to threaten you again on social media i'll say save it take screen shots show it to the cops maybe they'll make her stop or something but overall atm i recommend strongly blocking her on imvu and social media and turn of your location.Why? i can hear you ask... Well look at it this way if (big if knowing imvu staff) imvu banns her , she's just gonna make a new account and begin all over again ....So yea this is my view over it best of luck my friend. ^^

ive blocked her and ive told everyone else to block her but she finds her way around it somehow as for in real life the person i know she harasses says shes reported it to the cops but since they have no proof of it they wont do anything but thanks
Posted 6 years ago
Something seems a bit fishy. It's highly unlikely that she was able to get around the blocks on social media such as kik unless she continuously created new accounts. Even on IMVU if you blocked her the most she would be able to do is send you messages which you could easily just ignore. As for rooms, just don't go into rooms you and your friends don't own or aren't mods in. Problem solved.
Posted 6 years ago
as my sis has explained this young lady is causeing problems for more then just her and her family but also my family as well we do not attempt any contact at all police have been notifyied but they refuse to do anything even with court orders the stress is getting to my mother and that bleeds out into the family we block her from entering rooms we own ourself and try to maintain as minimal contact as possible she sends death threats and constently trys to degrade us and make us feel worse about ourselves she treats her friends like shit and lies to many people she gains room mod status by going into the room after i my sis or any of our family visit there is not much we can do at this point as we cannot mention her real name but she consistently breaks a no contact order the police never served by mentioning my mothers real name several times in extreamly degrading messages she puts on social media and imvu itself imvu staff refuse to do anything due to her brother being a moderator for imvu this cant go on and would request someone with the knowledge to do something to please assist us by eather reporting her to imvu when she comes into rooms and starts stuff or in other more permenant ways this has gone far enough and should not be allowed to continue any longer

thank you

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