how do people get pro creator... 1+month *ask me*

by Emperor · 36 posts
7 years ago in Graphics Design
Posted 6 years ago
To Keep your name up there and to keep your sales up is to at least do 5 things a day so that it does keep it in the new items and once someone sees yoru new item and they like it they will more then likely pull up your name to view what other items you have in the catty that they may like. Also..if your sells are down and you wish to pick up new clients and more sells make a reasonably cheap item and simply just start gifting random people with it to introduce them to who you are. Even though you bought it and the money comes back to you it is still a sell as well as when someone randomly gets a item from you for free they will take a look at it and then pull up your catty and see what else that you have and what interests them sometimes you find new clientele this way. Productive salesmanship. :tlaconcerned:
Posted 6 years ago good
Posted 6 years ago
So, does pumping out quality products daily really guarantee sales? Or is it all marketing and having somewhat of a fan base/a group of supporters? Or probably both?
Posted 6 years ago
I think if u r just starting out, you really need to be consistent with creating new products every once in awhile. Getting put in newest products or just having that label does help to draw attention to those items.

Personally I have seen many amazing developers with really nice products but they don't get many sales. I think it's mostly because they don't get enough notice yet. With so many products in the catalog it is very hard to stand out. So some developers post their new products in the imvu forums/groups and also host giveaways. I think that's better than randomly giving ur products to people who may or may not appreciate them.

I dont think there is any way to just become pro legitly that is easy. Only after you have established a base then you could potentially do nothing and still remain pro. I have been inactive in developing but have managed to retain pro for at least over a year. And its only because of product sales and derived sales. And those weren't built overnight, it was done over many years of hard work before I stopped.
Posted 6 years ago
I was pro for 2 months then this month they dropped me to level 4? Why would they do that. I was making lots of sales, I still do. I don't know why my tier got dropped to lvl4,,, Anyone ever had this happen? This is a first for me.
Posted 6 years ago
smykey wrote:
I was pro for 2 months then this month they dropped me to level 4? Why would they do that. I was making lots of sales, I still do. I don't know why my tier got dropped to lvl4,,, Anyone ever had this happen? This is a first for me.

Its normal @smykey _ and it not about that you got much Sales _ Still you can get back the Pro Level ! so no worry about that

Just Check your Tier Points Which one get down _

Here you can Check about

~ Official Tier Level Thread- Posting for tiers ending _ from imvu ~

~Core Metrics~

Sales Direct : 1761 = 1 Point (1983-2195), 2481 =2 Point, 3532 (4345) = 3 Points

Sales Derived : 5229 = 1 Point, 8045 = 2 Point, 12103 (12485) = 3 Points

Income Credits : 49227 (53356) = 1 Point, 73441 = 2 Point, 100309 = 3 Points

Income Promo :29355 (39829) = 1 Point, 45089 = 2 Point, 67080 = 3 Points

~Unique Metris (only top three scoring metrics count)~

Products Recent Submitted 1=51 2=74 ( to 86) 3= Minimum 150 to 200 for 3 Points [ for Each Moch month ]

Products in Catalouge 1=129 2=165 3=222

Product Rating : 5 = 3 Points

Spare metrics (unused) [ Not be counted ]

CC Forum Posts 1=22 2=31 3=42 (49)
Peer Review Activity : 1274 = 1 Point, 2002 = 2 Point, approx 3000 Peer review : 3 Points [ but some time it not be counted ]

Tier Points

Tier 0 submission fee 500 credits you need 0 points
Tier 1 submission fee 450 credits you need 1-3 points
Tier 2 submission fee 400 credits you need 4-6 points
Tier 3 submission fee 350 credits you need 7-9 points
Tier 4 submission fee 300 credits you need 10-12 points
Tier 5 (PRO) submission fee 250 credits you need 13-15 points
Tier 6 (PRO) submission fee 200 credits you need 16-18 points
Tier 7 (PRO) submission fee 150 credits you need 19-21 points

Months cycle each update will include data from

January: October, November and December
February: November, December and January
March: December, January and February
April: January, February and March
May: February, March and April
June: March, April and May
July: April, May and June
August: May, June and July
September: June, July and August
October: July, August and September
November: August, September and October
December: September, October and November

As Per This Monthly Cycle they will count Your Tier Points and Last 3 Month Activity Followed by you will get Level Up or Level Down

and not a Big Deal to Get back Pro Level - Just Check your Tier info _ and just work on it which Points went down_

i will Show you Here Sample Tier Points Picture ( Pro _ Level 6 Tier Points Detail Picture )

Posted 6 years ago
smykey wrote:
I was pro for 2 months then this month they dropped me to level 4? Why would they do that. I was making lots sales, I still do. I don't know why my tier got dropped to lvl4,,, Anyone ever had this happen? This is a first for me.

Keeping pro status is definitely another challenge to overcome once achieving it.

Be reassured it is normal to drop. Have experienced it as well. Bonus part is, you are capable of regaining pro status since you've achieved it already. As per
response it is all based on a rolling 3month cycle compared to other creator's numbers. Like she said review your previous teirs to current and see where the difference is.

Do keep in mind, purely my personal opinion, i believe the system is rigged. As there are very good creators who do not have pro behind their names. Because such they dont meet the tier criteria in mesh or promo sales BUT have very high sales! Who really wants those promo sales anyways? -shrugs- That's where my challenge has been is getting those promo sales. I would rather personally have the real credits!!!

Having pro status by no means reflects your skills.
Posted 6 years ago
When I used to create I just created daily stuff and got around 10 sells aday, idk I got Tear 3 with it by just creating 1-2 weeks
Posted 6 years ago
Disclaimer: sorry I wrote this reply before seeing there was a second page already on this thread lol! But just leaving my post here in it's entirety cos I did kinda mention other things.


Did you check your tier level details?
You can find it under the IMVU classic website, community -> creator program -> my tier.

There would be the full breakdown of your tier level.
You should see something like this:

Core metrics
Metric Value Tier Points
Sales (direct) x 3
Sales (derived) x 0
Income (credits) x 3
Income (promo credits) x 3

Unique metrics
Metric Value Tier Points
Products in the catalog x 3
Products recently submitted x 0
Average product rating 5 3

Spare metrics (unused)
Metric Value Tier Points
Peer Review activity 0 0
CC Forum posts 0 0
Your Tier Level: x

So there are actually very easy ways to get pro creator status.
If you already have good sales (direct) and income(credit) and income (promo credit), you just need to ensure your product ratings are maxed out at 5 for 3 points.
If your catalog is big enough, you should also easily get the 3 points.Then just pick another category in unique metrics to work on. A easy one is products in the catalog (by being active in submitting you can get high points).

There is a good detailed post regarding tiers and what current numbers will give you how many points in the imvu forums.

For every 3 points you go up a tier.

Tier 1: 1-3 points
Tier 2: 4-6 points
Tier 3: 7-9 points
Tier 4: 10-12 points
Tier 5: 13-15 points
Tier 6: 16-18 points
Tier 7: 19-21 points
Posted 6 years ago
This will take a while to hit lvl 5 from where i am right?


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