General Forum Discussions

by ThatJohnDude · 2 posts
6 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 6 years ago · Author
I might be the minority here but, why is it that when I go on the to forums for imvu and I'm looking at these conversations, there's always that one asshole who has to act like they're a cop, being strict about the rules and really trying to make sure it's in your face. The best example is when I was asking about black market stuff and just seeing what information they had. I get it's a GA forum but come on... talking about how these people should be banned for good or in prison is just dumb af. The worse part is that these are people with AP. I'm like "Bitch, I bet you don't even get sex with that mentality lol." But, it's not just this one that has these fools, there are plenty more. It just grinds my gear that these are moderators or older IMVU users who are so up their ass that they can't even spend a minute to actually talk to the person with the question comment. But again, I might just be the minority here.
Posted 6 years ago
~Moved to IMVU Lounge~

While I do agree there are a lot of retarded people on IMVU, especially when it comes to sex, you went into a GA forum to talk about AP/BM kinda had it coming.

Everyone should know by now that anything BM related is strictly forbidden on IMVU so trying to talk about it in their forums is only going to end badly.

As for the AP stuff, you should have went to the AP section of the forums if you wanted to discuss it.

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