How to use your room in Shop, Shop Together, & Dress Up mode

by sameswitchiscool · 9 posts
8 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 8 years ago · Author
So, I'm pretty sure a lot of people are familiar with this method being that it's been used for such a long time.
But I've pretty much been fiddling with it, and come to find out you can basically use any room that you have
in Shop, Shop Together & in Dress Up mode. And just in case to help with any misunderstandings or
confusion, I will be posting pictures as well to help guide you through the process on what to do.

The room icon is disabled in Shop, Shop Together & Dress Up mode, so you can't switch to any of your rooms that you own.

Image<-- Room icon that's disabled.

Well, you can't necessarily get it highlighted to click it to choose a room in any of these modes,
but you can bypass it to use any of your rooms with an easy *use code that's been around for ages.
So, let's begin shall we?

Step 1:Make sure you're logged in IMVU of course! Then click on "My Room".

Step 2:Highlight a room that you want to use in any of the 3 modes that I've stated. Or just pick any room to test it out!
First click the "I" button, then click on on the name of the place.

Step 3:Once you've clicked on the name of the place (if you look at the second image in step 2),
it should have opened up a link showing the product page. What you need to do now is grab the
product ID. There's two ways of doing it on the product page. You can go to the web url link and
highlight the product ID, or scroll down to the Creator Tool box and highlight it from there to copy it.
OR ...

Step 4:Go back to the IMVU client and open up Shop, Shop Together, or Dress Up mode.
It doesn't matter. Wherever you want to use it really. (No picture needed for that hopefully) :).

Step 5:Type in an asterik which is * then type use. So, it'd be like *use. Then afterwards,
space it out one time. After you've spaced it, press ctrl + v to paste the product ID that you've
copied and press enter!

Now you're all done and set. You've now figured out how to use one of your rooms
in one of the 3 modes that I've stated !


I made this tutorial to bring the *use code back to life and to share this idea with
people who wanted to use it for their own benefits. At the same time, I'm pretty sure
you can find much more then just that. Plus, the room icon is disabled, so if you
wanted to show somebody your room or somebody else's room that's hidden, you can
use the same method I just did.

Also, this does not work on hidden products that you do not own (which you have not yet bought) !
But it does work on products that are hidden that you do own !
So don't be afraid to take a look into this some more.
Feel free to leave feedback on how this tutorial
has helped you, or share an input of your own! :)
Posted 8 years ago
Nice find, this makes it easy to bypass the vip restriction IMVU placed on using your own room in the shop/dressup modes.

For those of you more familiar with IMVU and don't need a tutorial: simply type in the use code with the room pid while in the shop.
Posted 8 years ago · Author
D.M wrote:
Nice find, this makes it easy to bypass the vip restriction IMVU placed on using your own room in the shop/dressup modes.

For those of you more familiar with IMVU and don't need a tutorial: simply type in the use code with the room pid while in the shop.

Thanks, D.M. It's my pleasure to always help and assist others when it comes to something
I find relevant for the people that may have wanted to know how to do this as well. Lol.
Posted 6 years ago
Great thread and guide overall. Pretty simple to follow the steps you listed below and definitely helps with not being able to see everything. And it actually doesn't freeze me while being there unlike the more simple method that everyone knows. Great guide again!
Posted 2 years ago

Still valid. Just requires the t3de client. (this is my other account)
Posted 1 year ago
Great, I learned. I'll go shopping with friends later。
Posted 1 year ago
Omg great find yo that makes it much easier to where u don’t even need to find the right client to change rooms in the shop or have vip to do so. Also I’m sure it could work in shop for as trying on clothes that’s product ID isn’t already hidden

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