What are White Hats?

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 33 posts
7 years ago in White Hat Activities
Posted 6 years ago
used in reference to a good or moral person and person who h4c|<s into a computer network in order to test or evaluate its security systems.
Posted 6 years ago
There are Whitehats Redhats and Blackhats Whitehats are the good hackers that help protect you. Redhats are mutual hackers that work with both white and redhats, then blackouts are just out to find any vulnerable in a machine or website then h4c|< into it. Also social engineers can be considered blackhats. Beware for bad world of hacking I used to be involved in it. It gets you in nothing but trouble in the long run I stick with the good guys now days :)

-- Tue Feb 06, 2018 2:22 pm --

Can someone please telll me what WhiteHat Access gets you? I see it for sale for 5k Medits I was curious what you get for this? Does this include access to a private forum or what? Please let me know if anyone has any info. Thanks :)
Posted 6 years ago
I think more generally the terms originated with UK author Dr. Edward de Bono, in his book "Six Thinking Hats".

White hat thinking is "just the facts" with no judgement or emotion.
Black hat thinking is "megative reasons against" with no judgement or emotion. Just neutral facts that counter any idea.
Red hat thinking is "purely emotional" - anger, vitriol, criticism, invective. This sometimes has its place to relieve frustrations.
Yellow Hat thinking is "optmistic, positive". Done for a length of time it actually reinforces all the good aspects of an idea.
Green Hat thinking is "creative, idea generation, new ideas" and is often accompanied by lateral thinking for idea generation.
Blue hat thinking is "thinking about thinking" and might be used by a convenor, moderator, or someone running a meeting - to suggest which "hat" above should be the active mode.

This terminology above has been loosely adapted and bastardized to describe styles of hacking.

The other precedents for this terminology are

"white lists" (Personnel the Government and security agencies actively protect in society and trusted individuals).

"black lists" (personnel forbidden to be involved in a project - considered known enemies to be treated with caution).
Posted 6 years ago
GJ White Hats!!!
Posted 5 years ago
i would like to become a white hat, i have various knowledge in computing and programming, i am not the best but i would love to learn also in developing, if i could be taken under one of you prestigious white hats and be showed the ropes of h4\c|/_ing i would be a great apprentice and would be able to learn quickly in any given circumstances, once it has to do with computing.
Posted 5 years ago
Oh, I hope it's not annoying to hear but this is so lovely! I'm very excited by the fact that there are people who really do have good intentions, everyone who staffs seem like such lovely folks it warms my heart and hope for humanity in general haha!
Posted 3 years ago
I hear something new for the first time
Posted 3 years ago
Interesting informations,thank you
Posted 3 years ago
@Don Von Alpha Dom

Very informatiomnal, im new around here and all the great stuff youre posting really helps. Thanks alot man, hoping to buy a product soon. Best of luck :D

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