Auto DJ Script - Updated 2-26-2022

by DataMine · 31 posts
9 years ago in Autoit
Posted 9 years ago · Author

This is a dj script requested by

The purpose of this script is to make being a dj easier by automating the trigger process.

Note: This script was designed to work only on songs that meet the following criteria:
-The song must be split into at least 2 triggers.
-The trigger word used for each part of the song must not change.
-The trigger word must contain numbers at the end.

Example Triggers:

Here is an example song this script works with: ... d=31065364


Step 1 Make sure IMVU is open and you are in a room where you want to play the song.

Step 2 Make sure the IMVU chat window in open.

Step 3 Download AutoIT from their website here: Autoit is the scripting language this script is written.

Step 4 After installing AutoIT, open the script editor (SciTE) that comes with it and copy/paste the code below into it.

Step 5 In SciTE, go up to Tools and click Go (or press F5 on your keyboard). The script will start and be waiting for you to press one of the keys in the next step.

Step 6 Press F6 on your keyboard. This tell the script you want to play a song. It will bring IMVU to the foreground and begin asking you for information.

Step 7 The first box that opens asks you for the trigger word. This is the word you would type into the chat to play part of the song. Make sure you don't type in the numbers.

Example: If the trigger is MySong1, type in MySong.

Step 8 The next box that opens asks for you the first trigger's number.

Example: If the first trigger is MySong1, then type in 1.

Step 9 The next box that opens asks you for the last trigger's number.

Example: If the last trigger is MySong15, then type in 15.

Step 10 The last box that opens asks you for the last trigger's duration in seconds.

Example: If each trigger lasts 20 seconds long you would type in 20.

Once you have entered in the information in all the boxes, if all went well, the script will proceed to start typing the triggers into the chat.

;~ This is the key you press to start playing the song
HotKeySet("{F6}", "Start")

;~ This is the key you press to stop playing the song.
HotKeySet("{F7}", "StopSong")

;~ This is the key that closes the script
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

;Set global variables
Global $sSleep = 0
Global $bStop = False

;The trigger phrase all triggers are named after
Global $sTriggerWord

;The number the trigger begins on Ex: mir13
Global $iTriggerBegin

;The number the trigger ends on Ex: mir25
Global $iTriggerEnd

;The length of the truggers Ex: 20(sec)
Global $iTriggerLength

;~ This keeps the script from closing
While 1

Func Start()
   ;Reset the stop variable if the user starts a new song after stopping the old one
   If($bStop = True) Then
     $bStop = False

   ;Check to make sure IMVU is running
   If (IMVUisRunning() = False) Then
     ;Exist the script if IMVU is not running

   ;Bring IMVU to the front

   ;Setup the song variables

   ;Pauses the script for 1 second to add a small delay before the script starts typing the triggers

   ;Play the song

;~ This function sets up the input variables the script needs to play the song
Func SetupSong()
   $sTriggerWord = InputBox("Enter Trigger Word", "Please type in the trigger word without any numbers")

   ConsoleWrite($sTriggerWord & @LF)

   While Not StringIsDigit($iTriggerBegin)
     $iTriggerBegin = GetTriggerStart()

   ConsoleWrite($iTriggerBegin & @LF)

   While Not StringIsDigit($iTriggerEnd)
     $iTriggerEnd = GetTriggerEnd()

   ConsoleWrite($iTriggerEnd & @LF)

   While Not StringIsDigit($iTriggerLength)
     $iTriggerLength = GetTriggerLength()

   ConsoleWrite($iTriggerLength & @LF)

;~ This function plays the song by typing the triggers into the chat
Func PlaySong()
   $iBegin = $iTriggerBegin
     If($bStop = True) Then
     Send($sTriggerWord & $iBegin)
     Sleep($iTriggerLength * 1000)
     $iBegin = $iBegin + 1
   Until $iBegin = $iTriggerEnd + 1

;~ This function stops the song
Func StopSong()
   $bStop = True

;~ -----------------------------------------------------------
;~ -----------------------------------------------------------

Func GetTriggerStart()
   return DisplayInputBox("Enter Trigger Begin", "Please type in the number the belongs to the first trigger")

Func GetTriggerEnd()
   return DisplayInputBox("Enter Trigger End", "Please type in the number the belongs to the last trigger")

Func GetTriggerLength()
   return DisplayInputBox("Enter Trigger Length", "Please type in the length of the trigger in seconds")

Func DisplayInputBox($sTitle, $sBody)
   return InputBox($sTitle, $sBody)

;~ This function closes the script
Func Terminate()
   Exit 0

;~ This function Detects if the IMVUClient is running
Func IMVUIsRunning()
   If ProcessExists("IMVUClient.exe") OR ProcessExists("IMVUQualityAgent.exe") Then
     Return True
     Return False

;~ This function gets the IMVUClient window
Func GetIMVUWindow()
   Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4)
   $hICWindow = WinGetHandle("[CLASS:ImvuNativeWindow]")
   return $hICWindow

;~ The function brings the IMVU client to the foreground so we don't accidently type into something else
Func BringIMVUToFront()
   $hICWindow = GetIMVUWindow()
Last edited by DataMine on Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: fixed example song link, updated coded, updated instructions
Posted 9 years ago
Haha thats a pretty neat script. plus i have never tried autoit.
Posted 9 years ago
That's genius, very well done. I know a few people that DJ or used to and I can see where they'd benefit from this
Posted 5 years ago
I tried it and its very useful.

Thank you M.D
Posted 5 years ago
Thank you bro
Posted 4 years ago
I saw this at a Dj show and it was amazing. Bravo !
Posted 4 years ago
This is pretty dope, I was wondering if something like this existed
Posted 4 years ago
Sounds intersting
Posted 3 years ago

If i get this code just like this, i'm getting the error below when i try to compile it.

>Running AU3Check ( from:C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3 input:C:\Users\Cermencik\Desktop\td.au3
"C:\Users\Cermencik\Desktop\td.au3"(35,11) : error: stop(): undefined function.

If i change that "stop" with "start" then no problem. Compiles it.

All goes well until script starts. First 2 triggers goes well but when it suppose to typ 3rd trigger after 20, it doesnt. There being more delay then 20 secs like 25 - 26 sec. And so on, more and more delay on further triggers like 30 - 31 sec, 35 - 36...

Any idea about how to fix this problem ?

Fixed it. Thanks.
Posted 2 years ago
Is there an easier way to learn this ?

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