Spy tool. See who someone is adding+ on their friends list

by sYk · 8 posts
6 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 6 years ago · Author
I am trying to understand how someone in imvu always knows who i add+ to private friends list.
While my friends list is not public, and i am not even friends with this stalker.
They send me inbox messages and enjoy letting me know they see exactly who i just added.
They send me the name, and they know the time i add someone.
As soon as i add someone new, its not long and i have a new stalker message from them.
I would love to understand how they see every person i add+
Somebody enlighten this topic with some real answers.
That would be awesome...

-- Sun Mar 11, 2018 12:43 am --

I ask the person how exactly they are monitoring my account.
They only reply...

" I am not hacking your account, i am only using the tools i was given".

-- Sun Mar 11, 2018 12:45 am --

What tools ?
Posted 6 years ago
If they are saying they are using the tools they were given..I am wondering if they are using a very old version of IMVU as back in the day we were able to see who your Friends were on your Friends list. Make sure on your HP that you have your Friends list Hidden and only viewable by you. You can alter that on your Account page. Just in case this may be the reason. This is the only thing that come to my mind at the moment but there may possibly be another way that I do not know about.
Posted 6 years ago · Author
I do not currently use the imvu cell phone app IMVU NEXT*
There may be built-in features within the cell phone app, allowing user to see other user activity.

Specifically '+add+friends' and possibly a third party can observe who and when you add anyone.

If anyone has info to offer on this cell phone app subject i would ask your input reply here, or pm.

Posted 6 years ago
All i know is that on the phone app ur avatar has a Following (people u r following) and Followers (people who r following u) list and every time u add a new friend they will appear on both those lists but as people can either randomly follow u or stop following u at anytime its all about the Following list. And as u don't use the phone app and therefore wouldn't randomly follow anyone the only way they get on ur Following list is if u added them as a friend. Hope this makes sense.
Posted 6 years ago
allnew wrote:
All i know is that on the phone app ur avatar has a Following (people u r following) and Followers (people who r following u) list and every time u add a new friend they will appear on both those lists but as people can either randomly follow u or stop following u at anytime its all about the Following list.And as u don't use the phone app and therefore wouldn't randomly follow anyone the only way they get on ur Following list is if u added them as a friend.Hope this makes sense.

I agree with
. It sounds like the "stalker" is just watching your follows on mobile app. you can always unfollow people and keep them on your friend's list. Follow is just used so you can keep an eye on posts. mobile app users do a lot more feed posting than Next or PC.
You'll need to either ignore the stalker or cave and download the mobile app and unfollow.
Posted 6 years ago
Exact same thing had happened to me with someone watching my "following" list on the mobile app. As stated above, if you add someone to your friend list you will be "following" them as well. You will also see that the newly added friend will be added to your "Followers" list. Tricky little tool for someone trying to know your every move. Good luck!!
Posted 6 years ago
That's creepy asf dude. I've never had that issue before and I hope it gets resolved for you. That must suck. It sounds like you have some type of stalker or something via IMVU.
Posted 6 years ago
Did you try to block them it might also block them being able to see your info on the mobile app

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