One time I got banned for having a picture of object that looked like a penis. To the people who saw the image, they new it was just that, an object. Yet, IMVU didn't take any chances and they just banned me. After talking to them, they lifted the ban. It didn't help that the other time I got banned, they told me to wait. All because I had talked to some people, who were clearly making drama, and I ended up talking about them, and one of their 'friends' chimed in, and reported what I said to imvu. I didn't say anything extreme or cruel but I did call them out for being childish and whatnot. I guess it was enough for the mods to shut me down. Honestly, if I were to be banned for good, it would be from me making people cry by just telling them how it is and being real with them...if they want to start mess, they gotta be able to handle it. There's no point in them getting all riled up over nothing, if they can't take it back from someone else.