Funniest anime u ever watched!

by <CrAzYCaTz> · 31 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 14 years ago · Author
here u just tell the funniest anime u watched
u know so maybe other people might want to watch it 2

ill start .... i really like the Wallfower it was hilarious! ^_^
Posted 14 years ago
ILove SKIP BEAT <33333333333333333333333333333
and Walflower too..
Hmm have so many ~_^;
Posted 14 years ago
Golden boy is definetly the funniest. That stupid pervert :P
Posted 14 years ago · Author
hmmm.. i havent watched those yet i guess ill watch them right>>>>>>>
>>>> NOW! ^_^ :D
Posted 5 years ago
probably gran blue o.O . just love the anime did not turn out to be serious as i expected in first five minutes.
Posted 5 years ago
One Piece <3
Posted 5 years ago
my favorites: One Piece, Fooly Cooly and Golden Boy
Posted 5 years ago
Gintama is the best :katheart1: I just watched the live action movie and it is almost as good as the anime.
Posted 5 years ago
Soli wrote:
Gintama is the best I just watched the live action movie and it is almost as good as the anime.
Gintanma.jpg (86.74 KiB) Viewed 2 times

That looks like an interesting anime there.

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