being home schooled...

by Megum_16 · 6 posts
14 years ago in Introductions
Posted 14 years ago · Author
rocks :D
are you home schooled? I know i am :D
Posted 5 years ago
My cousin had a story about home schooling, its actually quite famous.

I was homeschooled from the 1st through 12th grades and never once desired to go to the government schools. At the time, I couldn’t imagine being confined to what looked like a prison system—bells telling me where to go, cutting short the time I wanted to spend on certain subjects; standing in line to have food dumped on a tray for me to eat; wearing the same clothes as everyone else; and truant officers hunting me down if I went rogue! None of that appealed to me. I was very happy with the freedom that homeschooling provided. Not only was I able to spend as much time as I needed on a subject, but I wasn’t forced to wait for others once I mastered it. This allowed me time to spend on things I enjoyed, such as reading history books or being involved in extracurricular activities.

While many parents and teens place importance on having friends, I didn’t. Through leadership in both local and state 4-H clubs and involvement with the Young Marine program, I naturally cultivated many friendships. I also actively participated in the National Christian Forensics and Communications Association and Teen Pact. In fact, there were times when these activities cut into time spent on math and science, which was fine by me! Because of the unique flexibility that homeschoolers have, I was able to build relationships with individuals in my community that greatly helped my future career.

I owe so much to my mother and father for taking the time to homeschool me even though it was a financial burden. I know I was quite difficult at times; but because of my parents’ faithfulness and steadfast love for me (and my siblings), I am the man I am today. Now I have the great privilege to work for the Home School Legal Defense Association and assist families as they seek to make the right choices for the upbringing of their children.

When the Lord blesses me with a wife and children, I plan to homeschool them. In addition to all the reasons above, the most important reason for homeschooling is because children need to be discipled. Who will do the discipling and shaping? Will it be friends and peers, who are just as confused about life? Will it be the atheist teacher who receives her instructions from a union 1,000 miles away? Or will it be the parents? I believe that God gave responsibility to teach to the parents, and I don’t want to relinquish that responsibility to anyone else. It is an honor to raise children, so why would I want to give to another that honor?

-- Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:49 am --

Also I know a friend of mine that was homeschooled, his schedule was very linient and he could do a lot with his freetime and he is currently in college trying to make a living for his future.
Posted 5 years ago
I'll be honest: I have no idea what to think about it. But let me think and write about it, feel free to point out things, counter, etc, I would like to have a clearer opinion about it lol!

For my own reality school looks like the perfect place if you're a very outgoing guy/gal with mainstream tastes. For anyone else the option to be out of that mess should exist.

There's a very important point to be made tho: in developing countries like mine schools do the work parents won't. Parenting went down the drain long ago, and while it does sound sketchy to let that teacher with an one-sided political view teach History, it is worse to let kids learn with their dads that's ok to take your own daughter's virginity when she's 10.

Am I talking about an extreme case? Yes. That happens not-that-rarely in specific places of my country.

There's TONS of abuse cases that came out because the kids had teachers as "their second family" and the school itself as the "safe home" and once they learned about sex ed they managed to figure out that what they went through inside their homes WAS NOT NORMAL.
Are there abusive teachers? Yep. But the bulk of it can be found inside the kids' houses sadly.

having schools as an only option is part of making parents working on "less parenting" every year. But mind you this is a personal view. We're seeing more and more cases of kids who won't even learn the basics of respect, how to eat well and sometimes even how to clean themselves (!!!!!!!) because parents believe that's the school's job. But well, maybe those people would just kick their kids to school anyway and don't bother with homeschooling at all if available.

So I don't know, like everything else it's something that sounds wonderful in developed countries but that we have no idea how it's gonna be once it spreads to other cultures. Specially the ones getting lazier with parenting.

One thing I'm sadly almost sure of is that if we got homeschooling the government then would have a nice excuse to care less about public schools, I mean, "there's an alternative after all" -government pocket public school money, say 'ohnowewentbroke' and points to parents how wonderful is to teach your kids at home, ~lalala-
Posted 5 years ago
No, sadly
Posted 5 years ago
No i was not home schooled i went to goverment schools i would of rathered been homeschooled then to deal with all of the bull crap at public schools im glad im out of school now though i dont have to worry about any of that anymore all the skills they taught u in school u dont really use them much besides Math when it comes to working with money and Parts at Warehouses u got to know all of ur mathematics at a warehouse job i know this cause i used to work a bunch of them
Posted 5 years ago
no poor

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