beef or chicken?

by ST33ZZY · 30 posts
5 years ago in Off Topic

beef or chicken?

beef 24%
chicken 76%
Posted 5 years ago · Author
beef or chicken?
Posted 5 years ago
Chicken all the way, I like to stay fit and I love my protein. Just a big, juicy, sexy, voluptuous, tasty, beautifully seasoned grilled chicken breast is good enough for me. I also like :boobs2:
Posted 5 years ago
I think it depends on the meal. I wouldnt say no to a beef kebab but I also like KFC chickens. I don't know if any of you tried this but, I like to eat popcorn chicken in movie theater xD
Posted 5 years ago
lol this is funny but chicken
Posted 5 years ago
chicken, anything else is a lie
Posted 5 years ago
give a minute of silence for the people who eats meat lover pizza with Ham,chicken,sausage,beef on it.

Your stomach: Am I a joke to you?
Posted 5 years ago
Mostly been into chicken , never been into beef
Posted 5 years ago
Beef is so good but chicken is more healthy so I’m gonna have to go with chicken. All the people on diets will understand the struggle of just wanting a juicy steak but turn it down

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