IMVU Wealth Booster

by Zertex · 30 posts
5 years ago in Mafia Tools
Posted 5 years ago

I had a similar issue when I was working on an acct. It got flagged and the acct was disabled. I just spoke with support and they said blocked due to suspicious activity. I verified my acct info and they unbanned. They said it was probably someone trying to steal my acct. I think I got lucky.

Posted 5 years ago
Being white hat makes websites die slowly honestly. Mafias in real wasn't pussy stand for the name.

-- Sat Jul 27, 2019 6:54 am --

whole lot of broken projects here or projects that aint even being worked on, room finder? IMVU spider? HPF?

-- Sat Jul 27, 2019 6:56 am --

and excuse me for being a genuine asshole but people paid for Roomfinder people paid for HPF.
Posted 5 years ago
OGs wrote:
Being white hat makes websites die slowly honestly. Mafias in real wasn't pussy stand for the name.-- Sat


Organized crime is not all about causing havoc, even the mob had rules and orders that family members had to obey. lol you couldn't just run around killing or setting shit on fire without have been given the order from a Don. doing what u wanted -> that would get u whacked in the long run. mission is to always keep low profile, appear as u are not the mob or apart of it. no one outside the family needs to know anything of what goes on with in the family. u could just chalk it up to say the mafia/ mob = a secret society.

if u look around the forums u can notice things that obviously go against imvu Tos. im pretty sure imvu does not like this site much lol. at the same time TIM is not a h4c|< forums, so things like cracking and hacking, is not promoted. if it were ever a case where this was needed for some reason (hacking) im sure it would be discussed in private rather then out in the open. (private meaning with-in the family and trusted members).

All position's are needed in the mob, accept rats.
Posted 5 years ago

She did go look for help in the support. They straight said NO to her, that they got her buying her own things on sock accounts, and that is against TOS, so it was over. Sometimes IMVU is like this.

Then again, I forgot to mention, I have another friend who buys his things on sock accounts as well, even sell this promo credits sales on accounts he creates on the fly, he never got caught by IMVU. He uses a vpn and thats it.

So, just as it depends on luck, it depends on how you do it.
Posted 5 years ago
Yeah ... I've heard of plenty of creators who boost their tire or product ratings by registering a dozen dummy accounts and using the predits (promo credits) along with a VPN to buy one of their own products ... its dishonest towards the customers shopping the catalog expecting top notch products on the first page, but at the same time ... IMVU makes getting your tire up and keeping it up so beneficial and crucial to actually profit as a developer ... it is hard to resist. Along with any bot that breaks TOS or cheat that tries to game the developer tire system, there is always a bit of risk if you get caught using it. This is normal for third party commerce related automation software designed to give the user an edge. I would not blame someone who gives in to the temptation. This software simply automates part of the process. I think the risk might be worth it for a dev who is just getting started and whose account does not have much invested in it.


Then again, I forgot to mention, I have another friend who buys his things on sock accounts as well, even sell this promo credits sales on accounts he creates on the fly, he never got caught by IMVU. He uses a vpn and thats it.

That's an interesting business model. I wonder if he would benefit from a program like this.


Good work on the program. It will be interesting to see the reviews and what types of operations find something like this to be useful. I know I myself might buy a copy if you get account registration working on it. Saving a few hours registering accounts whenever I create a new bot that needs multiple accounts would be useful ... quite the time saver and worth the $10 price tag.


You're not being an asshole ... you're just spouting hard truths that we need to work on. Even your comment about white hat sites has some truth to it.


I could not agree with your assessment more. Spot on. We are orderly rule breakers ... professionals with morals and clean suits; beloved heroes of the people and a ferocious vigilante nightmare to any whom would harm them. By the oath of Omerta, our good deeds remain in the shadows.

Posted 5 years ago
@Don Von Alpha Dom

Exactly, that picture says It All lol :mrgreen:
Posted 5 years ago

You're entirely rude and if you have an issue with the site then maybe you shouldn't use it? Literally calling the site "shit" to one of the people who helped make it. You try coding and building a website over many years. Having a spouse, children, a job to care for your family. JUST TO HAVE SOME IGNORANT INCONSIDERATE RUDE child come onto a site he knows nothing of.. Think about the shit people are going to behind the screen, This isn't a full time thing.. I'm an artist but it's not a full time thing and having someone who has contributed not a DAMN thing to this site has 0 room to talk down to anyone or anything.. go make your own site if it's such a huge problem.
Posted 5 years ago
First off iv'e done all that, Second off didn't ask your opinion i was speaking to the board administrator, You're not contributing to his sales and productivity if anything i'm there boosting them or commenting a opinion on the forums health. Don knows the forums is slowly dying from what it used to be actually let me rephrase IMVU is dying. I just expect the site to go back to what it used to be a gray site at least everything that gets posted now adays is corny and found on a lot of other public forums. If they want new development to be made they need to accept some of the dirty black hat tools that will come to live. Them being a admin board they have nothing to do with what the community of 100k post. I simply commented on the fact of broken programs that i as a developer myself knows can be fixed. I hate to see a new web of developed treated as a threat, Its art. People will do it anyways if the tools are provided just makes the job easier. I do agree on account generating because that opens the tool to a bigger part of the community.

-- Mon Jul 29, 2019 11:56 am --

And LMFAO i bet you don't even remember the 2012 look of this site, or let alone even the time everyone was medit boosting. Thank you but no thanks on your comment.
Posted 5 years ago
Nice tool, I tried and it works like a charm.

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