User banned.

by Soulljah · 19 posts
5 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 5 years ago · Author
Here's a question for the more knowledgeable out there. A friend of mine has been banned from IMVU. Multiple accounts disabled and he has been banned from coming back for too many previous violations. After buying a new computer, installing VPN software and using IMVULite, he can now create a new account and logon BUT ... as soon as he opens his new homepage or any other IMVU webpage, the new account gets immediately disabled - automatically!
So ... what the hell are they tracking and how can he circumvent it? Any ideas?
Posted 5 years ago

I never knew people could get banned out of the platform, since I had several main accounts banned and that never happened to me. Good to know.

About your friend, I was about to ask if the did a fresh install of windows or linux, but since you said he bought a brand new pc, and it happens when he goes to any IMVU webpage, maybe he is using Chrome? And he is logged in his google account, so chrome download or show something to the IMVU website? Cookies even.

If it only happens when he goes to an IMVU webpage, I would look around it.
Posted 5 years ago · Author
Yeah, I have known people who were IP banned before. That's always been pretty easy to circumvent. But this...? Google is kind of what I was thinking too. Google swears that only you can see your location which they are no doubt storing in a persistent (super) cookie but I'm skeptical about that.

I am hoping that maybe somebody has had this happen to them or someone they know and have a comprehensive list of things to do/try. I'm out of ideas.
Posted 5 years ago

Has he tried using other browsers then?
Posted 5 years ago
Might I suggest Duck, Duck Go. Supposedly it keeps your information private. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know if that's the truth but it is the browser I use daily.
Posted 5 years ago

DuckDuckGo is a search engine.
Posted 5 years ago

Duckduckgo is great. i use it often. :tlasmug:
Posted 5 years ago
ok that happened to me before while I was trying to fill offers from different accounts. It usually is not the imvu staff that bans your new opened account. It is the Imvu system. When it catches something suspicious such as fake random names, bots, unverified e-mail, accounts with very similar name that just opened in same day and etc.


I suggest verifying the e-Mail of the new account that is opened right away and don't pick a name that you picked before or something similar to it.

If these 2 don't work, I would log in to new account and start chatting in the rooms and do a little shopping or even buy some credits, that way your account will no longer be banned by the system and it is now in hands of staffs. So what I'm trying to say is act normal. I hope these can help.
Posted 5 years ago
They ban you through ISP your internet provider number that is assigned to you. It does not matter what computer or any computer that you link up to IMVU from your home it will ban them if your accounts have been banned. Best bet is to either get a new internet service provider or call up your provider and ask them to assign you a new ISP

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