Any possible way to prevent crashing caused by someone?

by Image11 · 26 posts
6 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 6 years ago
arhang wrote:
Image11 wrote:Well yesterday I joined the room, told him to try to crash me again. After that I muted him and I it kinda took him a longer time to crash me this time. The muting button works for like a few mins but then you end up crashing.The trend of crashing code is back , multiple people are doing it now and a lot people r complaining about it. I thought I was the only one with this problem but a few people reached out to me and told me whats up.
Wow this sounds so annoying. :/I haven't ran into any crashers myself or haven't been crashed by anyone before but I can't picture how annoying that would be when I just want to hang around ugh... Hope it gets sorted out for you soon, do tell if you find some method you would like to share to avoid issues like this, would not hurt to keep some prevention method under the sleeve I guess for the future if it does happen

Hello, Yes it is very annoying to have someone come into a room and then it crashes.. usually it's because their avie is heavier than the room, or room limits. It crashes everyone in the room including the crasher themselves. Personally I can't begin to understand how someone can get pleasure out of crashing everyone including themselves but hey it takes all kinds to make the world go around. Anyways, This is why most put a weight limit on the visiting avies.. like for instance, most put 2,000kbs limit etc. if there are 10 ppl in the room already then one gets invited that's already over the room weight most likely so be assured that you will freeze and crash if u enter that room.
Posted 6 years ago
SirDarkHart wrote:
arhang wrote: Image11 wrote:Well yesterday I joined the room, told him to try to crash me again. After that I muted him and I it kinda took him a longer time to crash me this time. The muting button works for like a few mins but then you end up crashing.The trend of crashing code is back , multiple people are doing it now and a lot people r complaining about it. I thought I was the only one with this problem but a few people reached out to me and told me whats up.
Wow this sounds so annoying. :/I haven't ran into any crashers myself or haven't been crashed by anyone before but I can't picture how annoying that would be when I just want to hang around ugh... Hope it gets sorted out for you soon, do tell if you find some method you would like to share to avoid issues like this, would not hurt to keep some prevention method under the sleeve I guess for the future if it does happen
Hello, Yes it is very annoying to have someone come into a room and then it crashes.. usually it's because their avie is heavier than the room, or room limits. It crashes everyone in the room including the crasher themselves. Personally I can't begin to understand how someone can get pleasure out of crashing everyone including themselves but hey it takes all kinds to make the world go around. Anyways, This is why most put a weight limit on the visiting avies.. like for instance, most put 2,000kbs limit etc. if there are 10 ppl in the room already then one gets invited that's already over the room weight most likely so be assured that you will freeze and crash if u enter that room.
I have never created a public room myself, but do they allow you to put weight limit on the visiting avies? Like say certain amount of kbs can't enter the room or is this just based on the people with the kicks right to handle that? That way it would be easier for the crashers not to be able to enter in the room.

but yeah, some people just gets pleasure out of it by ruining other peoples fun, it has always been like that everywhere we go no matter what age, some people just like doing that so nothing we can do about it lol even if it means taking themselves with it, especially with crashing when they aren't really losing anything as they didn't want to be in that room in the first place I guess.

Glad I'm not a room owner or anything like that ,would be a pain to deal with that kind of people.
Posted 5 years ago
Your post is old but I figure this may still help others.

I have concluded that the windows audio service is to blame when one crashes. I've tested and can confirm that disabling your Windows Audio service will make you crash-free permanently, but it comes with pros and cons.

Pros: You can't be crashed at all.
Cons: You forfeit any sound/audio.

How To:
• On your keyboard press ctrl+alt+del at the same time.
• This will open your task manager. Now click on the tab that says Services.
• At the bottom you will then see "Open Services" click this.
• Scroll down till you find Windows Audio Service. Right click it, and click stop. All audio devices will stop.
• Leave this open in the background so when you are ready you may turn the service back on.

Having this off seems to successfully stop any and all forms of lag-switching/crashing. It would be nice to have an IMVU executable that disables usage of the audio service in and of itself so that you need not disable it system-wide, but for now this is what works. Muting an avatar with IMVU Lite works as well, but given that you know who is doing it, and requires you to act fast. Sometimes if your wifi is not fast enough the perpetrator can enter the room before you actually see them enter and crash you before you're even ready to boot/mute. Happy trails. Hope this helps someone at the least! If you have a question feel free to ask away.
Posted 5 years ago
i have found out that if you log in from your phone, you will not crash and you will see who is typing the crash code. try it. let me know if that helps.
Posted 5 years ago
cysia wrote:
i have found out that if you log in from your phone, you will not crash and you will see who is typing the crash code. try it. let me know if that helps.


You can't be crashed if you on next as well.
Posted 5 years ago

I mean next on the browser, does it work on mac?
I never had the opportunity to test this windows audio thing, but since you're on mac, the whole client must be working a different "enviroment".
Posted 5 years ago
Thanks to god. I've never encountered something like this (:
Posted 5 years ago
I use imvu lite and I tend to hang out in a lot of public rooms with high traffic, I've found muting those crashers as soon as they enter the room to be somewhat efficient for some of the time... I muted during spam and chinese writing spam which apparently is supposed to crash but once muting I didn't, but they also re entered another day and before I could mute they must of either put on an outfit and I instantly crashed OR whisper crashed me, and only me. I was the only one in the room who crashed like 6x in a row before I muted them, and it took them 3 minutes or so longer before I would crash.

((Yeah they kept crashing me because they were salty at me for denying them when I was in a public AP room if you want a bit of the backstory..))

ANYWAY Imvu lite is good at protecting against some of the crashers, mostly the nooby ones who just use outfits and outdated codes.. But there is a new whisper crash going around where they can select specific people to instantly crash. The screen freezes for A LONG LONG time and no error box to report the issue comes up. I have waited 8 hours once, I went to sleep leaving my crashed imvu lite open to see if that box would ever come up to be able to report it to you guys.. and.. It didn't..

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