How To Avoid Scam Buyers & Sellers

by Heralds · 30 posts
5 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 5 years ago · Author
Hello everyone - not trying to scare anybody with my topic or anything.

I just wanted to create a topic that would help new/old members - sellers/buyers of this website.

In my 7 months of journey in this website, I rarely came across scammers and they can scam you in a lot of ways.

I want to post names of scammers in this topic so that we can decrease the number of scams from happening.

Also please be free to post a scammers name if you ever had experienced one in past.

• Rule: you must verify the scam with proof to website admins/mods before posting their names.


Kaiden Akita - Imvu Mafias Name: Tarkin - Paypal Email: If you receive money or message from this user please be careful.
Posted 5 years ago
i think its not a bad idea. can be very useful in the future. as i always say its very good deed for the members of the community to report scammers if they happen to run into them. so admins and mods can prevent them from doing it again.
Posted 5 years ago
Well, Thanks for the info. So far haven't met scammer or any complains. IMVU mafia is like a really nice place to be yknow but yes scammers everywhere. Good lucks bro.
Posted 5 years ago

Shouldn't you add what happened between you and the user too?
Posted 5 years ago · Author
What happened is, I gave this guy 500k credits for 118 dollars. It was sticker method credits so he received the credits to his account and then opened a dispute in paypal saying, I didnt received the item. Paypal found me guilty for not shipping his product. You can not really do much since these sales virtual product sales. Best I can do from now on is to only accept money with sending to a friend option from people and not with buying goods option when receiving the money. Paypal charged me another 20 dollars for being a scammer and not sending that guy's item. I have sent all the proof I have to paypal including IMVU MAFIAS messages between me and Tarkin(scammer) imvu purchase logs, and his product in my inventory. Also he purchased 1 year vip from me months ago and I told paypal if I scammed this guy why did he bought something else from me. Case is still going on but odds are against me. This is a lesson for me and 118 dollars might be good amount of money on imvu sales but I will use that as an experience and help people to avoid them getting scammed. Be safe out there everybody.




Thank you
Posted 5 years ago
Daamn bro, sorry about that. Nah fr imma keep a look out.
Posted 5 years ago

That's disgusting. Thanks for the heads up tho. Hoping that Paypal sides with you on this one.
Posted 5 years ago · Author
I got so mad at paypal and now they understand that Im not playing lol. They gave my 20 dollars back and case is still on going. I hope to receive my full money back. Bad part is they said case will resolve in 75 days from case first opened. I got about 50 days to see what is going to happen. :)

Posted 5 years ago
Well I very much hope Justice prevails and they see the logic in all you have told them along with the proof you have provided, so that scammer can see that they can't get away with that foul play.
Posted 5 years ago
My only issue with this topic is the title looks like a message to staff calling us scammers, lol.

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