Imvu account banned for 14 days

by XRoseyX · 7 posts
4 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 4 years ago · Author
I had an public AP room for a few months or over a year now. When making the room, I bought all the room and furniture all from imvu only AP shop. Most of the products was from the display page as well. I also seen a lot of rooms who have the same furniture I did and did not get removed or banned. I got banned for strong sexual content due to the room and the furniture, without reason. I don't know why I am banned for 14 days over products I used directly in imvu shop.
Posted 4 years ago

I saw someone get banned because their room had BDSM in the description or name, maybe you have some words in the description of your room that got you banned for some reason.
Posted 4 years ago · Author
It wasn't the room description. I had even contacted them. They were not helpful at all. They said my room and furniture was strong sexual content. I kept asking them repeatedly, what exactly was I banned for though? Thinking if that was the case, just remove it. They did not give me a legit reason as to banning me for 14 days. If everything was bought straight from the IMVU shop in AP. The creators make the products and we buy them. How are we banned for it? I tried to reason with them if they could unban my account but no luck at all.
Posted 4 years ago

IMVU staff being IMVU staff, I guess.
Posted 4 years ago
It could be because of possible reporting of the room, but I can't believe they would ban a room for sexual reasons when it is AP. The best thing to do is to find out the exact reason for this ban. I have had similar issues where they just tell me what I did wrong in a "terms & services" format which can be very annoying. Hang in there friend, we have all had our difficulties with IMVU Support.
Posted 4 years ago
IMVU places items that are derivable that are considered BM Items in their eyes I came across one and it was a bed and I derived off of it. In catty it is labled as a AP item and has been in there several years at least over 11 years and it still is. Anyways I Deved one for myself and several others liked it but in different colors so I made them. After about 30 some odd sales I get slapped with a 30 ban for selling a BM Item. Mind you they took all the credits away from me I earned through it as ell as removed all the beds from my catty. I asked why did you ban me and yet the orginal is in the catty and still to this day remains in the catty?. They would not give me a answer but only then revert to their stupid scripting they have to read. So when you think they are addressing your issues..Know this that they have a script that has questions and about 10 answers to each question and whatever question you ask they put in what a answer would be and read their script. Any thing that you ask them it is all strictly by their script. Ask them the same question 4 or 5 times during your convo with them and watch the same response verbatum back to you...We pay more and get less we get punished for BS and yet they provide the tools to intimidate us to use them.

A 14 day ban is not bad but take a look at the item you Dev'd off of if you did and see what it is.

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