Wishlst 5000 Item limit

by DataMine · 69 posts
10 years ago in IMVU News

Are you a pack rat that likes to have more than 5000 items on your Wishlist?

Yes, I love stuff! 34%
No, I rarely use my WL 54%
Other (leave a comment please) 13%
Posted 10 years ago · Author
SweetAnti♥ wrote:
well..I never put in my wishlist over 50 products...cause i know that i'm gonna buy none of them xDDD

Same, but I've started using mine more lately.
Posted 10 years ago
My gifts are still there, just not visible. For example once someone buys one of my newer gifts for me, one of the older non visible gifts will appear on my list. I keep a lot of my gifts on my wishlist not because I want them, but because they have been there so long that they remind me of past events that happened back when that product was relevant.
Posted 8 years ago
yeah agreed too
Posted 8 years ago
idk I dont think 5000 is enough
Posted 5 years ago
I rarely keep my wish list full of stuff there would be no way i could reach that many items in a wl 4 pages the most than I end up empty it lol :tlasmug:
Posted 5 years ago
I don’t like to load up my wl with garbage like other players do looool

I just put stuff that I think would be nice to have but like I don’t need it

This probably made no sense
Posted 4 years ago
i had 5k on my wl and more multiple times and have clear it or had it cleared by friends. not all of us use are wl for just are own wants we use it as a shopping list for are friends we see something we like to see or used on a friend we put it on the wl till we have the creds or till they come on and we show it to them to make sure it's something they like.. so 5k isn't as larges as you would think. it all depends on if your a dev or a shopper. dev dont have large wl because they ether made what they want or they have a item on there wl so they can copy it. shopper can have HUGE wl its insane how large they get.

-- Sat Jan 25, 2020 2:18 pm --

true large wl isn't as odd as you would think. as i said earlier if your a shopper verus a dev you can have 1000's of items on the wl it's not like it cost anything to have them on the wl so its a easy free way to store items till you can afford them or have time to backtrack them to find a version you truly want. the wl is one of the few useful free things on imvu.
Posted 4 years ago
The most i ever keep on mine is 10 but I always end up empty it after awhile when realized I dont really need that item lol :kat_emoji1:
Posted 4 years ago
We should make a program that logs into account and auto deletes wishlist items or things like messages, Messages would be super.

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