Blender vs 3DS Max

Simply Irresistable
by Simply Irresistable · 13 posts
11 years ago in 3Ds Max
Posted 11 years ago · Author
what do you think the easiest to learn?
Blender or 3DS Max?
Posted 11 years ago
my personal opinion:
blender is easier. because you might get overwhelmed with 3dsmax's features, shortcuts and functions, there are lots and lots.
but if you are going to create and develop for imvu then go for 3ds max because its compatible with imvu, while blender causes some problems . and keep in mind that imvu doesn't support versions beyond 3ds max 2011, 2012 roughly.
Posted 11 years ago
To me this is like asking if GIMP or Photoshop is better. Whereas initially GIMP might be easier to learn on, in the long run Photoshop is much more useful.

I think the same thing applies here. I've done a bit of research into my wish to teach myself how to mesh and I definitely think that 3DSMax looks more worth my time. There are beginner tutorials for just about everything out there. So save yourself the hassle of eventually having to learn them both, and just go right for the money-maker! :D
Posted 10 years ago
I've never used Blender for IMVU. I used it one time to make a Minecraft render so I can't really say which is easier. Personally, I find 3ds Max difficult to mesh in. I don't like the camera controls. However, I have learned how to export a product with it and it's actually not that hard at all. It's annoying at first but once you learn what you need to do it's simple.

Now making the mesh to export on the other hand...

Elie wrote:
keep in mind that imvu doesn't support versions beyond 3ds max 2011, 2012 roughly.

There is a beta exporter for 2013 and 2014. You can download it and learn to install it by looking at my 3ds max exporter tutorial: viewtopic.php?f=90&t=8711
Posted 6 years ago
I use blender for the sims stuff, and I used 3DS max back in high school. for me, blender was harder to learn, but then again, with 3DS max, it was a class, so we had a teacher walking us through everything.
Posted 4 years ago
Blender is more useful. and fbx import is more easier
Posted 4 years ago
@Simply Irresistable

Blender is the way to go.
Posted 4 years ago
blender is easier for me
Posted 3 years ago
I say blender for me but there are tricks for imvu that I can only do in 3ds max.

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