getting back old products

by grouchymom · 5 posts
4 years ago in Basic Creator Help
Posted 4 years ago · Author
I wanted to know if there is a way to retrieve my derived products from an account that was disabled years ago. I didn't know I was being disabled until a month after it happened since I was in the hospital and didn't know what was going on. I had a bad argument with an ex in real life and he was helping to derive products he sent me opacities that he said he made and then come to find out that he had ripped them from other developers and I was reported for using them. I have never trusted again and have made my own opacities since then. I would love to get the stuff I actually did make myself and add it to the account that I have had since I lost the other one which is I think about 10 yrs. I am pretty sure that imvu is making money off my disabled account and they kept the 5,000,000 in credits that I had accumulated on that account since 2004.
Posted 4 years ago

Sounds like you really lost out there. It's a bummer for sure. :cry:
Posted 4 years ago · Author
Yep and i was furious.
Posted 4 years ago

Well at least you got your health. =-)

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