Disabled Catalog Viewer

by sonson · 20 posts
4 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 4 years ago · Author
Is there any other way to view the products of a disabled creator catalog?
imvu-e requires a payment every month now:(
Posted 4 years ago
i thought when some ones account is disabled all the products they had go away. the only thing protected is if you had purchased it, it some times stays in you product list (if its already being used in your room) or if its not being used by you then imvu some times credits your account back, both have happened to me
Posted 4 years ago · Author

You can still see the catalog using imvu-e but the thing is u got to pay a fee every month.
I was hoping I could get a free tool or software to use.
Posted 4 years ago
Unfortunately the items in the catalog are unavailable for purchase, and maybe it's common knowledge but the products themselves remain in the wishlists even when not bought.
What that means, is until they are removed completely, there is certainly a way to access them, and as you stated the association to the disabled user account is still there, the only limitation is the search function of the imvu shop itself.
In short the search tool can be made.
@sonson : was the one you found a downloadable app or just a search function on the website behind a paywall ?(there is no point for anyone creating an actuall app for that, unless idk...they just want to work more)
I just checked out of curiosity all the info that imvu allows to be accessed by a normal user, and I have a hunch it's pretty much the same system preventing nonAP users searching for Ap products that filters the catalog of disabled users.
Those people charging for this have something that is pretty difficult to obtain, unrestricted access to imvu's database, most probably developer credentials.
And just as a personal opinion, that won't last for very much either because of the new imvu client I heard is in development, along with the new creator studio, that will change the way they think their security(imvu that is).
So whoever wants to cash in on this kind of services might need to do it fast.
Posted 4 years ago
@Angel S

Why would the new client kill it?
Posted 4 years ago
They are bragging with "better security" even on this beta creator studio they are launching. I was expecting the new client to be using the restrictive web api, and if they give up the old client completely the old way of accessing data will be patched, no ?
Actually, i'm not all that sure anymore, i mean this specific type of accessing restricted data might not change
Posted 4 years ago
You don't even need an API to access this data ... just a decent sized army of spider bots. The data leaks out all over the place, outside of the client and outside of the API's.
... and no amount of security is going to cut the scripters off from local data stores of cached data from before the accounts were disabled.
Posted 4 years ago
Well, Don is right with this one, as long as the data exists it will be accessible one way or another.
I think I wrongly assumed that it's behind some sort of access level wall, and a normal account can't access it normally neither in the client or web api the same as the Ap are filtered to non ap accounts, server side.
That being said, is there no value for such a tool being created here inside the Mafia home ? Even myself, I have some things saved in my wishlist that I regret not being able to buy from the shop, and keep them only for try/screenshot reasons, or creating tool practice. Having access to an entire disabled catalog would be useful a lot of times.
Posted 4 years ago
@Angel S

We've written up multiple designs for such a tool, but with every design ... have found the overall cost of intial setup to be outside of our pricerange.

I have a personal version of the tool, for self-use ... but it takes days to run for a single person.

Speeding up the tool and making it public .... would be extremely time and resource intentive. Think a year and a half of setup + a few grand in processing; large storage costs ... etc. People are better off using IMVU-E's $5 monthly service for viewing disabled catalogs than waiting for us to setup a possibly free service that would drain heavily on our profit lines.
Posted 4 years ago
@Don Von Alpha Dom

you should add a tool to this site that allows us to see disabled users products. IMVU-E charges for VIP to see these features. Use to be free but not anymore Im not sure if your the dev of the site and in charge of how to add tools to it but it would be nice. Just a suggestion :D

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