Request: Link to Try Products in Shop Together from Browser?

by swinburne · 7 posts
4 years ago in Help & Requests
Posted 4 years ago · Author
Hello all,

I am a long time Mafia member, customer, and lurker and of course I continue to appreciate all the work everyone has done here to improve the IMVU experience! I have a website code request today for something that seems like it should already exist on the vanilla IMVU website...but for some reason doesn't. -_-

The request is for the IMVU shop catalog pages that you visit in your web browser, i.e. the pages that begin with (like or ... urers_id=########) where you can try on products or add them to your cart. I don't mean the individual product pages but the catalog where you click to visit individual product pages.

On those pages, you can click the Try It button and it will open the Shop Mode in the desktop client to let you try on the product. Unfortunately, this button doesn't work if you are currently in a Shop Together session. If you are Shopping Together, if you click Try It from your web browser, it will open the product in a separate normal Shop Mode tab. This is dumb. Just like the imvu:PutOnOutfit?productId=### or imvu:TakeOff?productId=### functions, it should work on whatever your active tab is in the IMVU desktop client. (I have no idea about IMVU Next, I don't use it and never will. Lol)

So the normal link to try on products from your web browser, which opens when you click the Try It button, is imvu:DressUp?productId=#######, which opens the product in normal Shop Mode. Can anyone figure out if there is a way to open a product to try it on in a currently open Shop Together session from the web browser? I don't mean open a new Shop Together session but to have the product appear in your currently open Shop Together session.

Ever since Shop Together was introduced, I always thought it was weird that this was not integrated into the web catalog. But then again, IMVU has been ignoring common sense quality-of-life improvements since 2007, so....

My hope is to use a client-side script (to insert the links into the web catalog HTML via a web extension like Greasemonkey or Stylish) or, if I have to, a JavaScript bookmarklet to manually add this Shop Together Try It link to the catalog pages and/or product pages. I'm not a programmer or scripter though, so I don't know how to do this myself.

I hope this makes sense. I'll explain if you need more examples or a visual. If anyone can figure this out, or even just provide the "imvu:" link to make this happen, I would be forever grateful. I will even pay if necessary (which is sad, since this is something IMVU should have just implemented on their own, but oh well). Thanks!
Posted 4 years ago
or you simply use the "*use ID" command on the shop together. well it add 2 step loading the product page and copy past ID but work. it also used to bypass the limit for no-vip ( ability to load furniture.. etc without VIP ) but yea, if they make something like when we click on try button they load the product on the active shop tab ( normal or shop together ) depending which tab we are on could be amazing.
Posted 4 years ago · Author
Underskys wrote:
or you simply use the "*use ID" command on the shop together. well it add 2 step loading the product page and copy past ID but work. it also used to bypass the limit for no-vip ( ability to load furniture.. etc without VIP ) but yea, if they make something like when we click on try button they load the product on the active shop tab ( normal or shop together ) depending which tab we are on could be amazing.

Hey, thanks for the reply! Actually, I do know about the *use ID and *remove ID commands, but you're right, it unfortunately adds two extra steps...which is kinda of annoying when you're trying on a whole bunch of stuff since you have to copy and paste over and over. You right click the product and copy the URL (or go the product page with the URL), select just the ID, then go over to the client and type in *use and paste the ID in. It's very cumbersome, but it's the only way at the moment. I was kinda hoping there was a shortcut someone had figured out already. XD I appreciate your response!

Don Von Alpha Dom wrote:
@swinburne*tryon IDcommand should work too in the shop.If you don't like copy / pasting the ID, you can probably setup a macro that does it for you.

@Don Von Alpha Dom
Thanks for the response, sir! Is *tryon ID supposed to work the same way as *use ID? I tried it just now and the product didn't load in normal Shop Mode. But yeah, it's beginning to look like a keyboard macro is going to be the only way around this for now....
Posted 4 years ago · Author
Don Von Alpha Dom wrote:
@swinburneThere are a few codes you can try:
*tryOnOutfitEach of them are codes for trying on PID's. (some work in some modes and some work in other modes ... with various effects)

@Don Von Alpha Dom

All right, I'll try out each one and see what happens. I've been primarily testing these in Shop Mode, which might by why *tryOn didn't work before. To try on stuff I would type *use ID (seems to work everywhere), or from the browser there's imvu:PutOnOutfit and imvu:TakeOff which loads when you're in a chat room, and imvu:DressUp and imvu:TryOnOutfit only seem to work in Shop Mode.

Posted 4 years ago
Or you can put in the wishlist in the product webpage and then open in the shop together wishlist

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