by DataMine · 87 posts
11 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 6 years ago
it's definitely something important for sure because you know anyone looking will happen to come across one of these sites. Makes me wonder how many times we see a topic of someone asking for help on a h4c|<7d account and the possibility of having been to one of these sites previously which possibly caused the h4c|<7d in the first place.
Posted 6 years ago
Omg there are that many?!?!? Holy crap that is rediculous! And I agree I don't thing I would have found out without seeing recent posting in this thread. In fact I didn't even know it existed yet. I don't go looking for that kind of stuff regardless but like it's good info to have and pass on.
Posted 6 years ago
Just don't enter your password anywhere and don't download suspicious files! :kat_emoji16:

-- Thu Apr 05, 2018 3:01 pm --

But all in all, this was a very helpfull post. remember to keep your information secret!
Posted 6 years ago
Thank you for this. Very helpful :excitedwave:
Posted 6 years ago
Wow this website is a disaster. just look at its rates, its more than imvu and says we try to keep the lowest rates in the market. never buy any credits from these websites. I talked to their support on skype. They told me that they take username and password to create credits as in doing offers and stuff. I dont believe it. I am planning to make a new account and give them that to make credits. But I am pretty sure that will not work. I will update how that goes.
Posted 6 years ago
Yes you forgot to add IMVU fake generator website .
Posted 5 years ago
Thank god Ive seen quite a few these site floating about and just wasn't sure to stsy clear of them. But now I do lol. Thank you very much.

-- Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:34 pm --

Oh also there's another site that's been floating about. I don't remember the name of it but all I know is that it asks you for your imvu username and password and will then ask you to complete an offer and then it will immediately ask you for your card details so just stay weary (don't know if I spelled that right) of that site too.
Posted 5 years ago
alot of those sites have been going around in Pm on Imvu lately all of these scammers trying to get things for the working man they just need to go away from trying to get things from people who have worked hard for what they got on imvu i been dealing with scammers all week trying to get my account i just report and block them they can rot in the pits of hell for all i care no one is taking my hard work away from me i worked on my account for close to 8 years to get it set up the way i want it
Posted 4 years ago · Author has been removed from the list. It no longer appears to be a scam site and the owner has legit connections with our community.

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