What are you thankful for?

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 40 posts
13 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 4 years ago
I'm thankful for my mom. That woman has single handedly raised me to be the guy i am today, and managed to hold herself up despite so many setbacks in life. At this point, my entire goal in life is to just support her to the fullest. She's given me everything she has, and i'll make damn well sure that she has an easy rest of her life.
Posted 4 years ago
I am thankful that I came to IMVU Mafias, I am thankful I met with right people at the right time.
Posted 4 years ago
I'm literally thankful I'm still breathing. I treat my body like shit. Chain smoke, eat a ton and drink nothing but caffeine. I'm not into drugs or alcohol (haven't been drunk once) and don't have a craving to try either. I'm thankful for the family that aren't addicts and pray for the ones that are (And they are the majority). Thankful I still have work in these trying times with the virus. Thankful for sites like these that keep everyone connected, yes even the trolls. At least you never feel lonely. Thankful for all the scars and burns people's words have caused me.my skin is a little thicker everyday. I'm thankful for that in spite of all the chaos around us I never let dark thoughts control me. I'm thankful for all the good in the world that battle the bad every single day. I'm pretty sure this post is years old but I'm glad I found it. I feel like I just gave y'all a journal entry
Hope you're doing well, poster, and God/gods (or what have you) bless you all!
Posted 4 years ago
Happiness is the universal feeling we all aspire to experience more of, yet, we can be an angry, moody, depressed bunch, can’t we? The science of happiness tells us that being happy is, indeed, a choice. But if you’re still struggling to make lemonade when life hands you lemons, maybe you just need a little swift-kick-in-the-pants motivation.

Here are 7 reasons why you should be happy right now.

1. There are people in your life who love and depend on you.
Who are the most important people in your life? Chances are, you’d do anything for these folks, right? If you’re looking for a reason to be happy, this is the place to start. No matter how bad life gets, there will always be someone who loves you unconditionally. Do you think your loved ones want to see you unhappy and miserable? Of course they don’t. So choose happiness for the people who love you. It will make your relationships much more enjoyable.

2. Life could change dramatically at a moment’s notice.
The thing about life is it’s completely unpredictable. Any of us could wake up tomorrow and lose our job, lose someone we love or realize we have a life-threatening disease. The point is, you never know. So don’t wait until tomorrow to be happy. Choose happiness today and enjoy every single moment you have.

3. Happy people are more productive.
Who do you think gets more accomplished in an average day? The person who is optimistic, happy, and driven or the person who spends his energy complaining, and venting about how his life isn’t fair? Happy people, in general, are more productive and are more likely to accomplish their goals than unhappy people.

4. The world needs more happy people.
It seems as if every week we hear about a new tragedy that makes us question the human spirit. Unfortunately, we live in a world where there will inevitably be war, famine, poverty, and destruction. But here’s the thing: good always trumps evil. The actions of one happy person can create a ripple effect that can literally change the world. So be the change you wish to create. Choose happiness.
5. You’re alive.
No matter how sick, tired, sad, or unhappy you are, there’s one thing you can still be grateful for and that’s the fact that you’re still here. People we love leave us unexpectedly on a regular basis. Think about what you would do if you knew this was your last day on earth? Would you spend it brooding and thinking about all the stuff you don’t have? Probably not. You’d make an effort to spend time with those you love most, to relax, laugh and live.
6. Happy people have better relationships.
In most surveys, married people are happier than unmarried people. That doesn’t mean you need to be married to attain happiness. What it means is that when you choose to be happy, you’re more likely to have better work relationships and better relationships with friends, family members, and other loved ones.

7. Happy people are healthier.
If you need another reason why you should be happy right now, here’s a good one: research shows a direct correlation between health and happiness. Happy people tend to take better care of themselves by exercising more and eating healthier than unhappy folks.

So don’t wait until tomorrow …choose happiness now!

Source: https://www.lifehack.org/articles/commu ... t-now.html
Posted 4 years ago
On a real note I am thankful for my sexy wife she’s always been there for me when times been tough like now she’s here for me. We got eachothers backs no matter the shit we go through. I’ve been with my wife for over 4 years now and god damn it’s amazing. Fantastic sex and she has blessed me with kids

-- Sun Aug 16, 2020 4:35 pm --

On a real note I am thankful for my sexy wife she’s always been there for me when times been tough like now she’s here for me. We got eachothers backs no matter the shit we go through. I’ve been with my wife for over 4 years now and god damn it’s amazing. Fantastic sex and she has blessed me with kids. Also for my mother and father
Posted 4 years ago
Thankful for my supportive family and sportive friends.
Posted 3 years ago
Actually thankful for foor i didn t fnd anything
Posted 3 years ago
i'm thankful for life, i'm thankful for those who have stuck by me, and i'm thankful for the ability to realize that not everyone is there for your up and downs and not to depend on someone when i fall ive learned to pick myself up and move forward and i'm proud of that.
Posted 3 years ago
Thankful for having a stable job and for my family being healthy and well. I couldn't ask for more, really. Maybe just that when I get a new dog, it will love me :3
Posted 3 years ago
Well i am thankful for a few things so Ill compile a list.

1. Few things feel better than to reflect upon having warm home and a roof over my head
2. My family. They are the people that keep me in check and keep me from going insane, i Love them <3
3. Food! Food is too good, is yummy, keeps us alive and theres such a huge variety of it
4. When I was really young back in the 80’s and 90’s and you wanted to learn about something then you had to ask someone who may have had spotty knowledge or go to get a book, not anymore with the internet
5. Lastly, Every day I get kind and supportive emails and messages from people all around the world that I have never met but who I meet online, mental support and kindness is what makes humans a race of love, passion and always venturing for the better of society

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