What sports do yall like ?

by Michael3235 · 33 posts
6 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 4 years ago
basketball and soccer
Posted 4 years ago
I like to watch hockey but never played it. I was pretty good at volleyball though.
Posted 4 years ago
Basketball and i used to do track and field.
Posted 4 years ago
can eating be a sport?
Posted 3 years ago
One of my favorite sports is Badminton! Honestly, the only reason why I like it is because I’m semi-decent it at it. When I was younger, my parents let me play with the adults occasionally which was a little difficult but quite fun! I don’t mean to brag, but I would like to think that I was the best badminton player out of my siblings, haha!

Another favorite of mine is Basketball. I’ve only ever played casually and with my family, so I wouldn’t say I have a true basketball experience. However, playing with my family was fun as we would always make bets that the losing team would have to buy the family icecream cones! However, my dad, in the end, always bought them because he was nice like that. Wooo dad on the good sportsmanship!

Lastly, my last favorite is Volleyball. Again, I’ve only ever played with my family, mainly cousins this time, however I thought it was fun. I would’ve like to play with others too but I always got too nervous to play as I was a bit of a noob, lol.
Posted 3 years ago
I like basket ball, swimming, hiking, tennis. :fireworks:
Posted 3 years ago
I like soccer, its cool and competitive, i like the world cup vibe or euro or champions league. basketball sick too, i watch NBA mostly, Giannis is from my country so i like watching him. But some other sports like volleyball are cool too (if u know how to play lol) if u can barely jump then f*ck it.
Posted 1 year ago
I like Soccer and basketball

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