Posted 4 years ago
Accidentally delete your IMVU shortcut? Install a client and it didn't make one for you? Well this post is for you.
This batch script will create a shortcut to IMVU on your desktop.
To use it simply copy the code below into Notepad and save it as "Make IMVU Shortcut.bat". Then double click on your newly created file. Make sure the file ends in .bat and not .txt otherwise it won't work.
For those interested in what the code is doing, it creates a temporary vbs file in a temp folder, writes code into said vbs file, executes it and then deletes it. Easy peasy.
This batch script will create a shortcut to IMVU on your desktop.
To use it simply copy the code below into Notepad and save it as "Make IMVU Shortcut.bat". Then double click on your newly created file. Make sure the file ends in .bat and not .txt otherwise it won't work.
@echo off
echo Set oWS = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >> %SCRIPT%
echo sLinkFile = "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\IMVU.lnk" >> %SCRIPT%
echo Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut(sLinkFile) >> %SCRIPT%
echo oLink.IconLocation = "%APPDATA%\IMVUClient\imvu.ico"
echo oLink.TargetPath = "%APPDATA%\IMVUClient\IMVUClient.exe" >> %SCRIPT%
echo oLink.Save >> %SCRIPT%
cscript /nologo %SCRIPT%
del %SCRIPT%
For those interested in what the code is doing, it creates a temporary vbs file in a temp folder, writes code into said vbs file, executes it and then deletes it. Easy peasy.