Permanently Banned . from imvu HELP!

by swagod1 · 55 posts
11 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 11 years ago
This is interesting. I would like to find out the outcome of this case, wondering if IMVU gave the account back...
Posted 10 years ago
Some IMVU rules are bullshit. I have had one account disabled for my tagline. As mentioned already they do not like getting threatened about court. So spam them with calls & Emails till you get a response. That's really the best you can do.
Posted 10 years ago
Don Von Free Credits wrote:
Did you ask them why you are permanently banned?
I was currently h4c|<7d on IMVU and apparently they used someone credit card. And now I am permanently banned how can I get my account back. The name was "SavageeBaybee"
Posted 10 years ago
hey swagod1, used IMVU lite?
Posted 9 years ago
Man imvu always bans accounts if you ask me they should not be able to permanently disable accounts unless they literally try to h4c|< someone or something because some people actually spend 100 dollars or more on their accounts -_-
Posted 4 years ago
Its good to know that info about court..tnx
Posted 4 years ago
The first question you should ask is, Does IMVU forbid the use of an aftermarket client and if they do what are the specific terms of service as it relates to a user actually doing this. Many online platforms, including Second Life, are accessed by use of aftermarket clients. This is a fairly common practice and begs the question, Does IMVU Actually Forbid the use of anything other than their propitiatory client. IMVU Publishes a TOS and other platform rules on their site.
Posted 4 years ago
Make new account with same name and added 1
Posted 4 years ago

Totaly sucks, I remeber getting banned and it sucked beavue they dont like helping or even giving the accoutn back which makes sense since theyre a bunch of hungry money cheap asses, imvu can be jerks sometimes but oh well
Posted 3 years ago
Its very bad! You can create another account if you do not have the solution good luck :tla10:

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