Peer Review Issue Update by imvu

by Adryan · 20 posts
6 years ago in IMVU News
Posted 6 years ago
i do realise that.... its bad.
Posted 6 years ago
i got all of the sex mansion through..and it works great btw...thank you to the Don

when i saw they were taking longer i edited html decsription and just put a word or two in as tags and it seemed to bump

the product up for review completion much faster.

was a good day once i got them all loaded.

Posted 6 years ago
IMVU Baned me from doing peer review for using the code is there a way to get around this? they sent a message saying I approved to many BM items or something like that. I just let it run I did not ever hit anything but I know it approves all when using it I believe?
Posted 6 years ago
Xhynrae wrote:
I was able to get PR back by asking nicely to reinstate

Congratulations! I was blocked for life for using a bot and asking nicely did 'NOT' help - lol.
Posted 6 years ago
Interesting. I was also blocked for life on all 5 of my accounts. lol. I will try to see if I ask nicely maybe they will return the rights back. lol. I will keep you posted and see if they can be good guys for a chance. Mafias are better support than IMVU support.
Posted 6 years ago
Soulljah wrote:
I was blocked for life for using a bot and asking nicely did 'NOT' help - lol.

Life lesson....NEVER admit to wrong doing

Depending on who you get to help(some are jerks), more than pestered. Showed my track record of percentage i get wrong per month. How i am a concerned about the community and keeping everyone safe. I do my part in reporting and involvement in peer review. Am an active member and spend my money on cr, ap, rooms slots, marriage, whatever. Account is clean, no flags, no reports...Help others... I AM an examplary and essential member!

Begged and begged some more that i swore i had no idea. And honestly, earnestly didnt know if you pass just one UFI pr gets taken away. Promised will never ever pass another.

So yeah...Be nice.
Posted 6 years ago
Xhynrae wrote:
Life lesson....NEVER admit to wrong doing.

Trust me, I didn't admit to anything. Still, the second agent I spoke with said words to the effect that just by looking at my credit balance report, he could see the peer review credits hitting every 30 secs or so. He then said, Nobody is that consistent. I may be wrong and you may be telling the truth but it looks like a bot so you're banned.

Whatever, they're only predits anyway - lol.
Posted 3 years ago
i miss the days when a product would fly through peer review in 20 mins now we have to wait days!

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