"Hackers" in imvu.

by CPY · 20 posts
5 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 5 years ago · Author
Like the title say's HACKERS or CRACKERS how the fuck do they h4c|< people on imvu despite having a strong password and never clicking on scammers links? it happened to me by some brazlian dude he got my account and gifted him self aswell as transferred the credits to he's own account. I got my account back and including my credits etc but i never re use passwords so my email was safe all as normal But as off today my gf got h4c|<7d too he took over her account and email i know shes stupid for using the same password so now shes fucked trying to get the email and imvu account back. So how the hell do people do this? is imvu that shitty coded its easy to sniff those passwords? i aplogize if i curse a lot im pissed.
Posted 5 years ago
Read this: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1396&p=13762#p13762

And this: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=11040

Finally, make sure you run a decent anti-virus.

Also, if someone is asking you to do something weird or abnormal ... be a little suspicious. They could just be grilling you for other data that can used to get into your account.
Posted 4 years ago
We better watch out all imvu is full with hackers is better don't trust anything we don't know there
Posted 4 years ago
In some ways. We could have a philosophical argument about fault and victims, or we can just agree that it’s happening and as long as it is, the victim needs to do something to protect themselves. The world sucks sometimes, and breaches are part of that suck. So, while the criminal h4c|<7r is always at fault for attacking, the victim is never at fault for being a victim. But there’s an exception: when property, including money, data, identifying info, etc. of the company’s customers and employees gets stolen, then those people are the actual victims, and the company is now sharing part of the guilt for not safeguarding that property. It’s at least like a drunk driving accident, where the driver is both guilty for dangerously poor judgment and is a victim at the same time. Unless another car is involved, in which case more charges are levied on the driver for the other crimes committed due to that poor judgment, and the other car’s occupants are the true victims. Unfortunately, too often customer data loss from a breach is at most a breach of contract to properly protect client or employee property, but in reality should it also include some form of criminal collusion or maybe aiding and abetting with the criminal? And you know why it’s not? Mainly because it would chill innovation and modernization, which both have at the least some major economic repercussions. And if it was criminal, then many companies wouldn’t report it to avoid incriminating themselves, which is worse for the real victims, customers and employees because they may never know they’ve been robbed and can’t take steps to counter further problems or even demand remuneration from the company. So, it seems the current reality is yes, the company is at fault, but if they follow the proper fessing-up to their mistakes, they can avoid penalties and taking blame, which is the whole point of finding out who is at fault. Hackers just suck.

Source: https://threatvector.cylance.com/en_us/ ... ckers.html
Posted 3 years ago
Never trust anyone ... not even IMVU staff. :tlaconcerned:
Posted 3 years ago
You may never know what's coming... The staff or anyone else for that matter!
Posted 3 years ago

lol I don't know about that. I am for some reasons always trying to make friends with STAFF or even the live chat guys. You never know when you may need them.
Posted 3 years ago
I had someone posing as mark anthony saying there was some kinda bullshit going on that they needed my cc number this and that......
Posted 3 years ago
As all websites say. Staff will never ask for personal information such as email and password. Not sure if IMVU chat ask for emails but I know they never ask for passwords. You will also never see staff talking about IMVU issues within the client.
Posted 3 years ago

Totally agreed bro, DON'T 100% TRUST IMVU STAFF lol

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