Why gaming is good for you

by Playboi_back · 14 posts
5 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 4 years ago
As someone with a psych background, I think it really depends on the person and their perception. I personally love playing video games and find them therapeutic for myself. I also enjoy games that are heavy on story and promote great concepts (SMT Persona series).
Posted 3 years ago
Gaming has many benefits! It can develop your brain cognitively, it helps develop puzzle solving skills, helps you develop social skills, and so much more!

However, it can become unhealthy in excess. Once you dedicate your life in only gaming, it can be detrimental to one’s physical, emotional, and mental health, which is not good. Games are fun, but we do need to do other things to positively develop our person.

Gaming is awesome, but please don’t forget to go outside, drink water, and go eat out with friends! <3
Posted 3 years ago
balance is the key to anything we do. To much of a good thing or bad thing will always have consequences. :panda33:

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