by Xepther · 29 posts
7 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 4 years ago
for the first time I watched a ball shaving tutorial lol
Posted 4 years ago
Curiosity is what brought me into this thread, nostalgia made me read through it. I remember trying to find porn on YouTube before I knew porn websites were a thing.... damn I was a dumb kid
Posted 3 years ago
Why not go on porn sites lol, pornhub and xnxx and u lit my boi, but yeah that might work yeah
Posted 3 years ago
I've seen some crazy stuff on you tube. It don't surprise me any more what people post. Just some crazy azz stuff out there.
Posted 2 years ago
Spending 100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 of hours to look through 9892 929 28288 282 8929 2 929 obscure channels with really weird names cause in general those ones are by far the only ones that posts something pornographic or you can try to look through medicinal channels for softcore porn, that's how in middle school me and my friends we were finding porn and laughing about it while being shocked why there are such stuff on youtube starting to say all kind of conspirational things like "illuminati wants to brainwash us with porn by making it very accessible" lol
Posted 2 years ago
It's getting more difficult to find these days. You can still find some if you know where to look. The trend atm seems to be to overlay a small porn clip somewhere over a legit video.

I wrote a FireFox add-on to help me find them quicker and gather information on them but I'm still not entirely sure why people are doing this. My best guess is they're trying to draw traffic to websites because they almost always advertise some link in the description. I question how lucrative this is as most videos get removed in under an hour and don't get many views.
Posted 2 years ago

Right, but the interesting part (at least for me) is finding something that you're not supposed to. I also enjoy trying to figure out why people (or more likely bots) are uploading it.
Posted 2 years ago
Most likely bots uploading it

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