What are White Hats?

Don Von Alpha Dom
by Don Von Alpha Dom · 33 posts
7 years ago in White Hat Activities
Posted 3 years ago
Looking forward to what this section offers.
Posted 3 years ago
I Have a question about white hats..Would you guys be able to retrieve an account that had been h4c|<7d on imvu?
Posted 3 years ago
I have a lot of computer knowledge since my uncle was a computer scientist ... Maybe I'll turn into a white or yellow or blue hat, I'll see. :confused:
Posted 3 years ago
thanks for let us know
Posted 3 years ago
Juancito wrote:
I have a lot of computer knowledge since my uncle was a computer scientist ... Maybe I'll turn into a white or yellow or blue hat, I'll see.


That sounds like you can pick a color based on the linux version used.
Are any of the white hat procedures still applicable on imvu as of now ? They changed most of their checks on the server.
Posted 2 years ago
See personally instead of red hat I've always known it to be Gray which is somebody like myself personally who the majority of the time focuses on doing good but when provoked is willing to go a little malicious in order to accomplish the white hat side purpose a protection and retaliation against the black. Like for me I troll the trolls if I catch you picking on somebody better believe I'm going to get bigger and more annoying if nothing else I always been a social engineer somebody who can Master manipulate I choose to do for good I don't use it for a come up or I'd be rich and wouldn't be sitting here like I am LOL I just don't value monetary system there is not a dollar amount that eliminates morals no matter how hard you try.

So I guess red hat is the proper term for what I've always called myself being very hot reference gray hat as a mixture because of the yin and yang which represents life for me.

For me if you hurt me or the people I care about there's no depth I'm not willing to call in or crawl in to get you karma my entire life I've been known as The protector it's kind of just my thing I don't care about myself and never have people say I can't love somebody if you don't love yourself that's not entirely true you can know what love is and just not value yourself because being raised codependent if somebody's not benefiting other than me there's just no purpose unfortunately. So for me a acceptable level of red hat in my opinion would be for example knowing that emporium offers the ability to pay to get away from people like myself who devote their time and attention to put in the heat and pressure on the irritants tyrants and bullies...

There's nothing more dangerous in my opinion than somebody who chooses to do good because they know how to be bad, and pushing that person to their limits. It's a tricky thing the keyboard warrior around everybody wants to talk about keyboard warriors like they're just little punks or something but don't realize that that nerd you're picking on can entirely erase your life or make even worse happen. Let me post a link at the end of this to a news article from justice.org ive or whatever about a good friend of mine who is my normal contact when it comes to needing more than just phreaking done..

There's much I could tell you about this guy that I shouldn't know but anybody that's really worthy of knowing more won't have to ask anyhow..

I'm met this guy too tiny chat back in 2015 and he quickly managed to pull me into the world of party lining :roll:

Of course I'm sure most of you who have any real knowledge are aware of what that is lol. I helped him run a system and of course being allegedly one of the original Anon my friend Steven here always has somebody on his ass for some stupid reason that whole Red hat lifestyle LOL so people who are well known to the point of conviction like kraze, krazylegz, camcam, evt.(I can't remember which ones which on the first two names but I know they're different people one of them was convicted on the Ashley Madison scandal though and camcam is his little worthless cousin who gets himself in trouble and the other has to pull him out all the... 0 they liked to come and mess with us and our people and one day cam decided he was going to come and terrorize the room I was in little did he know I was better with the phone controls than most are with web control. When he said he was going to shut my phone off all I said without even knowing that his cousin was in the room listening in they came in back to back fast enough you only heard the one tone, he said to me that he was going to shut my phone off to which I said go right ahead cam I've got a suitcase full of burner phones and nothing but time on my hands and out of nowhere you hear that notorious voice of his cousin say cam Cam leave him alone let's go and two beeps they were completely off the system for over a week they left us alone I'm not really sure what was so intimidating about wasting somebody's time trying to shut yourself up cell phone off but luckily my bluffing ass had three already burnt burner phones in a suitcase that I was basing my exaggeration off of LOL I've always managed to pull myself miracle moves when people try to call me on some stuff that I may or may not personally be able to accomplish but I always know somebody I'm a networker that's what I do I resource..

Social engineering manipulation hacking freaking whatever you want to call it it all starts with psychology in the first place even computing is theorized around a process of thought in a sense.

If I manipulate you which is a negative connotation sadly because if you sell products if you do any kind of marketing any kind of traffic driving you are a manipulator at the very basic sense. I can sell ice to an Eskimo shoes to a legless man as long as I believe in my product or service cuz I just cannot rip people off I cannot make a come up at the cost of others it's not in my blood my people stand on me I do not stand on my people your star quarterback is nobody without his line of defense that goes unrecognized too much. If you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far go together unity is the key to saving and changing this world for the better and it's my purpose on this planet give it to me in clarity the night I pulled the trigger and it inspired in 2012...

So like right now I have people who keep trying to pull one over on me they keep playing me stupid they keep acting like they believe just so they can mock and make fun of my capabilities and resources. That triggers me to lean towards the dark side where there's cookies LOL because anything I do towards them isn't for the benefit of everybody else indirectly though I may be in and around about way preventing others from being victim of these people.

My personal opinion and experience not any official study done that I'm aware of, those who are like myself and willing and capable of swinging back and forth on the pendulum either direction good or evil, those who choose to do ill are driven emotional motive instead of rationality and logic. Whenever the gun misfired I had to make a choice to not take it that far ever again in the way I did that was I said if my purpose on this planet is to suffer and endure pain misery heartbreak etc then whatever my purpose was it had to be directly related to helping others and saving people from going through it like I had if possible. So my therapist said in order to save myself from there forward I acknowledge that the left and right hemisphere of my brain we're not wired correctly and there was a bomb up there in my head and because I did not know how to defuse it she said what I did was I severed every connection and hope and prayed that it wouldn't blow up in the process...

This feeds into the intermittent explosive disorder with impulsive tendencies I'm diagnosed with otherwise known as Crispin Lawson room.

She said doing so may have saved my life but the problem is the brain is not able to make proper evaluation of decisions if it's not balanced by both sides so for me I'm either disconnected emotionally and looking from a logical unbiased perspective or I am completely fueled by emotion and nothing has to make sense as long as it goes along with whatever circumstances my head is making up is. So for me I try to protect everybody and do good in the world but if somebody crosses me if somebody hurts me like X's that I give in everything and then more to for them to just turn and walk away with it time and time again on here even it makes me want to act out....

I told my last couple of relationships on the app that I wasn't just gifting I was investing in my future with that person and if anything ever happened I would like to not have to just cut all my losses because my account would be built around that person and that's a lot of monetary let alone personal value to walk away from and start over every time like I have so far. I don't want somebody else enjoying the intimate products that I purchased for my love at the time who wants to think about somebody else enjoying something that you never got to even experience but paid for anyhow? This makes me want to cause damage not be constructive and that's where I'm currently struggling personally for those of you who care to know.. I don't like being in that mentality that I want to cause damage but people take all they can take and then they break for me it's I've been pushed around my entire life and I finally decided enough. I've devoted my life to making the world a better place and I feel like being a part of people's lessons that kind of sacrifice and it lost to me is it major part to play but it is mentally and emotionally personally exhausting and taxing. So to sum it all up we are the good guys here and if you look at every historical clash of society versus authority the bad guys aren't usually bad they just defy the system in place for the purpose of making a change for the better for future generations. Robinhood is what I reference the most everybody pretty much knows the story of Robin Hood they idolize him somebody who takes from the rich and gives to the poor somebody who's willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that his people are okay and people aren't going to bed hungry people aren't going to bed without...people aren't doing without because the rich would rather throw it away and let it go to waste then offer a handout or a hand up they literally made it against the law to feed homeless people in a lot of places like what the fuck what makes them any better or any lesser than you just because you're not in the same spot? The world basing finding a relationship off of finding a successful person who's got their shit together is the dumbest fucking thing ever you'll never find true love if you look for it at the top I refuse to get my life together in order to find a relationship because ain't nobody going to want me because of what I got they got to be able to love me where I'm at right now first thing I'll deliver the world with a nice little bow..


My phone is literally telling me shut up it is refusing to write much more so let me stop there if anybody's interested in hearing more don't hesitate I can go on for hours and hours and hours and would appreciate somebody who likes the rambling as well..

https://www.justice.gov/usao-de/pr/new- ... own-school
Posted 2 years ago
yess! using your skills for the better! love it
Posted 2 years ago
Don Von Alpha Dom wrote:
White hat describes a h4c|<7r who instead of destroying or stealing data, instead uses his / hers skills to protect and create data. This section of our forums is dedicated to white hat hacking; constructive and protective skills. These skills are based in computer security, computer programming, and data mining.Destroying and thieving data is not tolerated by The IMVU Mafias. Such activities are the evils we protect against. As white hats, we protect and nurture the IMVU community. Together we are strong.

@Don Von Alpha Dom

Well said…this is the very reason why i joined mafia many years ago….You will learn a lot here….Lets us learn together in a constructive way……”Together we are strong”……stay safe everyone.

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