I'm trying to create a chatbot, but I have some issues.

by Programador · 7 posts
2 years ago in Python
Posted 2 years ago · Author
Hello, I recently started with an idea to create a bot that reads messages sent in chat and responds like an auto-reply BOT, I looked for some methods on how to make this BOT "read" messages sent by players, the only method that worked so far it was with OCR + tesseract and PyAutoGui, but I'm not happy with the development of the code, taking screenshots and making the bot read, it's not a good way...

Does anyone know how I could do this better?
Posted 2 years ago
so cool , good luck
Posted 2 years ago
I am interested in seeing your code. Parsing text from screenshots may not be ideal but is still a valuable thing to know how to do. I can think of many uses for it.

If it were me, I'd code it into the client where I have direct access to the messages. Your method is a lot safer though.
Posted 2 years ago

Nice idea for chatbot...Hopefully you xan share with us some..so we can also got some new iseas and also use too...ty
Posted 2 years ago

Grab the text from the client's log files.

The log files contain a lot more than just the chat text. You'll also be able to respond to people entering / exiting the room, people moving to new nodes, and people putting on new outfits ... etc

You are doing yourself a great disservice by only responding to text events. This bot has so much potential.
Posted 2 years ago
That would be great I have no idea you could do that being a nonadmin but hey. Good luck to you

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