What's your biggest pet peeve?

by SwagGod1 · 10 posts
2 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 2 years ago
Loud eaters
People who don't flush the toilet after using
Fake people (those who act like someone they are not)
Posted 2 years ago
I have the biggest pet peeve when people chew loudly or smack. Being frustrated by the sound someone makes when eating a crunchy apple or a bowl of soup is a pretty natural reaction, it seems.
Posted 2 years ago
People who tailgate, especially when you leave an exit in a highway
Posted 2 years ago
Rude people, Karens, and people who say they won't spoil a movie/show then proceed to spoil.
Posted 2 years ago
wanna be tough guys and posers who are always up for a confrontation....and all the people who misjudge by the way i look.
Posted 2 years ago
A)If you talk while eating, and you are older than a toddler, people may think you are a bit of a pig so it is not a good habit. B)Sharing is good. Food is good. But sharing the sights and sounds of food in your mouth as you chew isn’t good. C)Smacking your lips as you open and close your jaw makes lots of noise. D)When you chew food and talk it is possible for the chewed food to fall from your open mouth or get catapulted across the table. People are most likely going to be grossed out.

And lastly, people who chew their gum loudly. A)It is unnecessary to chew that loud. B)Everyone can chew with their mouth shut without making noise. C)There is no need to blow a bubble and pop it every few minutes. Conclusion: Pet peeves are a weird thing. We all have them. They can be something little and insignificant. But it is usually a huge deal for you. Eating is something everyone does but chewing loudly, while you’re talking and chewing gum should be done with a closed mouth.

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