Caleidanna wrote:@Amarok78i thought so too until i tried to log in to imvu and couldnt. if its bc of a setting that stops them from trackin' me or somethin' then ill continue to find other workarounds. also since you mentioned linux, is it your preferred os?
I have never encountered any problems accessing IMVU's site using Brave, probably you have inadvertently activated some block on the site that could cause this problem.
As for linux, I must say that it has been one of my favorite operating systems for years. I currently use Fedora in dual boot with Windows 10 and as far as stability and speed are concerned they are not even close to comparable... obviously Fedora, at least for the kind of use I make of it, is much more stable and faster.
The only shortcoming is in the gaming compartment, obviously many games don't run as well as they do on Windows.
I'm not very convinced that tools like proton and wine are solving the problem (not in all cases at least, but it depends a lot on the kind of hardware components you have) and even less solving are virtualizers.
The only software I currently use (not even much now) via wine on linux is IMVULite.