Imvu Creators Soon Able To Make NFT's

by SwagGod1 · 24 posts
2 years ago in IMVU News
Posted 1 year ago
Well being at imvu, since its doors have opened pre beta, I have alot to say on the matter. Some good, some bad.
NFTs and Crypto plays well with investors like don said. They like that stuff. Investors are what imvu needs as a company. Creators are what imvu needs for content. So no at this time they are not interested in what makes you happy. Greed? Slightly, they probably need money like everyone else at this time. Imvu was wayyyyy up during covid, after covid they took a huge dive, like all the other online companies. That being said, I don't think creators should be all that upset over it. You want it to grow, not die. Ppl have been talking smack about how imvu was gonna die off since 2006, yet here we are.
I say get what you can out of it. Make some things you don't care about the textures to much, charge a bunch for something you throw together in five secs and some dumbass will buy it. Use it to your advantage. At least I know I will.
Commenting on imvu forums posts, I stay out of there everyone is always against imvu and imvu tends to do whatever the fuck it wants anyways, so why bother. They have only ever gone backwards on one thing my entire time being at imvu lol.
Investing in imvu as well, I also speak as an investor.
Imvu is also now not just imvu, its "metajuice" They have been branching out for eons already. However imvu is still their main focus and platform.
Posted 1 year ago

They have never cared about what's their customers happy, it's always been about pleasing investors. Anyway, NFTs are dumb and we shouldn't be encouraging people to create/buy them. Abusing people's stupidity for profit is what's wrong with capitalism these days. We should instead be holding businesses to higher standards and teaching people to be better customers.
Posted 1 year ago
My point is that if you encourage it or not, its still going to happen. Ppl have been trying to do what you said for eons and here we are at the same point. There has to be a full on outcry for them to even give any hate about it second thought. Majority rules, when they over turned that other idea it was only due to the majority dislike. Which is not a common thing in imvu ever.
I disagree, think they care about the customers, just not at all times. They do know the need creators, or they wouldn't exist, they aren't going to create as much as we do.
Its easier to say if you don't make money there in the way that I do. I know that you can either go with whats going to happen, or don't and die off. This is the reason for tons of creators gone today, and why they have been replaced.
Not saying that NFTs are great or anything, but do use it to your advantage.
Posted 1 year ago
The introduction of NFTs to the IMVU currency system seems like it'll have the same impact as VCOIN, which fell flat. I understand from a company perspective that bringing forth these cryptocurrency endeavors and everchanging ideas is a must for the furtherment of a business but the majority of IMVU users only care about the ability to buy new products from their favorite creator in the catalogue. The IMVU Team should have focused on doing more with credits or promo credits. The only benefit I can see for NFT is having that exclusivity factor but even then, people already outsource custom meshes, poses, edits, etc. In a way it looks like IMVU wants to cash into that stream of money that goes on out-of-game for customs.

I'm personally not interested in NFTs OR VCOINS but if this will in some way have benefits for the black market sellers/buyers, I'm all in I guess.
Posted 1 year ago
I like your answer, and you've said alot of correct things too. "Exclusivity factor" This is why creators will use it. There are tons of creators than make things and throw a crazy price up to stop people from buying a product. Ever wonder the reason for 100,000 credit products, and NOT "Display only" where you can't buy it at all. Its a sales ploy that makes a person think they can't have it, which just makes them want it more lol, or to spite a person they know that has is and thinks its ungettable. But you wouldn't believe the amount of items I have for that price, and I get sales for them, simply because the product is great and someone is crazy enough to buy it at that price for the "exclusivity factor."

VCoins didn't exactly fall flat though, but they are not used in the manner imvu wishes they were lol. Many ppl use them to get into rooms these days. There are tons of rooms you can't get into unless you pay before you enter. Mine does pretty well, and I did it as a joke, then got surprised. You can catch people renting their rooms in imvu next feed often. Or selling their services for vcoin. Its still not as big as imvu suspected it would be.
Posted 1 year ago
i heard that NFT's died recently....but i guess not? o-o oh and i heard that there was a NFT dating app but it got shut down due to lack of women lmaooo xD :lol:

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