Mental health

by Kenauerback · 13 posts
1 year ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 1 year ago · Author
Hey, I'm curious, do you guys think it would be feasible for someone to start a room specifically for suicide prevention, or depression peer to peer counseling?

I used to be a member of a chat room on Chatzy that catered to people who were choosing to live their lives online, but who fought with anxiety, depression, suicidal feelings, guilt, loss, etc.

It seems like IMVU could use something similar... Or am I just crazy?

Have any of you ever seen someone on IMVU who could have used a room like that?

Have any of you heard of or seen any reasons why a room like that would be a horrible idea? I don't see anything forbidding it in IMVU's regulations... But maybe in missing something... I figure if anyone knows for sure, it'd be someone here... Sorry for the long question, thanks for reading, and I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Posted 1 year ago
It's a lovely idea and you'd likely be okay. But you might have issues depending on the topics broached, as some could cut into what's not supposed to be said or done in messages/chats according to community guidelines. Long as you don't have people hating on you and reporting your room for content they found offensive, or just plain trolling, I suppose you should be alright. I wouldn't go about opening the room outright for counseling etc tho. You might have to worry about legal percussions if someone followed your advice and things went badly, etc.

Just my take on the matter tho. I can't say I have any experience or knowledge about the topic in vu.
Posted 1 year ago · Author

I appreciate the input! It's a topic that means a lot toe, so, I'd like to do something...
Posted 1 year ago
That's a great Idea! Most of the users are anti social people them self and IMVU is their only escape goat. Some of them really need it.
Posted 1 year ago
Before I became smart about people on imvu, I was jaded. I actually cared about every single person as if they were not just doing it for attention. This was a huge mistake. Due to the fact that even some that sounded super genuine, down to having fake pill bottles and deep faking cuts with photoshop... One person even had me fucked up, thinking that they actually killed themselves.... two years I delt with that pain, only to find out it was a bullshit lie. This person was alive and well just using another account.

That being said, yes there are people out there that are real, but I think the majority of them on imvu are just liars seeking attention. The idea is a great one, but my advice is not to get invested in the people that come there, you might just wind up hurt. The fact that you want to do it means you actually give a damn, and unfortunately on imvu that can get you hurt. I think it needs an attention room, where people just go to get what they need.

Be very careful if you do this, please.
Posted 1 year ago
I think it is a lovely idea but a agree with Neka, be careful not to get too attached or involved in everyone as some will use it for roleplay or liars looking for attention. sadly.
Posted 1 year ago

yeah its so true, mostly the people on IMVU are fake and liars including every gender, it is not specifically for the boys but the girls are there if they are girl ( because i have experienced girls which are not actually girls but are boys who are operating the character of the girls in the IMVU), those are fake and liars too. :P
be careful with yourself and your intentions there, do not get too close, everytime you get attached to someone whether it is on social or in real, you will get yourself hurt.
plus the other option that NEka said about that create a room by a name that people need so they go there and get what they want (Y)

-- Wed Feb 22, 2023 5:58 am --


yeah you are pretty much right ANDY, but i guess mostly people there seek for instant attention so they get what they need and then after that they go for another one,
i can be wrong but i have experieced it by myself and i am sharing that what i have experienced, thankyou :)
Posted 1 year ago
Mental health in online gaming is a very sensitive topic, almost nobody takes it seriously. They hide behind a screen and believe that they can hurt or make others feel bad... Your idea seems very interesting.

When distraction turns into addiction it can be a problem and you stop seeing imvu as an escape and more as a necessity. We must be aware that the people who play there may also be looking for a way to escape their problems but it is good to separate the game from the

Sometimes when you become attached to someone it can do you a lot of damage and greatly affect your mental health, even going into depression because of someone you may not know in your life.

I'm glad there are people who care about others, since most imvu players are toxic or believe themselves to be edgy.

If you or anyone create a room of that style. I would like to participate!
Posted 1 year ago
I think imvu is a morale booster for people with physical disabilities. People rehabilitate here and increase their energy. But non-disabled people can have problems with their mental health when they play imvu a lot.

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