I want to learn how to make BM product files

by wakandaduck · 6 posts
1 year ago in Help & Support
Posted 1 year ago · Author
Budget - $0

Hello i want to learn how to make BM products. How can i learn it from scratch for free?

Not just upload the files that i have. I want to learn how to make such files from scratch. It is possible to learn it for free. I am currently studying so i dont have any budget to buy a course.

I have all adobe and autodesk tools (a student with $0 budget so you know what kind of license that i have for those software ha ha).
Posted 1 year ago · Author
@Don Von Alpha Dom

from where can i learn how to do it too? I have no idea about CAL3D decompilers or xsf decompiler. Is there some youtube course or anyhting from where i can start learning from scratch? any video tutorials
Posted 1 year ago

I've got half a dozen lessons in text format that you can request ... enough to get you started.

As for the decompilers, they are $10 each on our market. You might be able to strike a deal with medits though, if you ask Datamine.
Posted 1 year ago · Author
@Don Von Alpha Dom

oh yes can you please share the text format with me? Oh thats awesome i will try to ask Datamine for a decompiler in exchange for Medits after getting started on little bit knowledge of it.

How can i request for the text format lessons? It would be very helpful, should i send you a private message requesting for the lessons?
Posted 2 weeks ago
Where does someone obtain a hash offsetter? Do I get it from purchasing a trigger dick on this market? Also why would I need a decompiler if we're using a chkn cleaner? Does the cleaner read the xml?

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