For IMVU Classic just go to people's hyperlink profiles (by clicking their avatars, then their in-game profiles, and then the hyperlink to convert the in-game VU profile into their online webpage profile) ONLY if they have badges on their in-game VU profiles, and once it takes you to the online webpage profile; click their profile icon (with their profile pic). If it allows you there should be badges that pop up, you can even click the badges themselves if they are showing up on the webpage instead of the profile icon; as mentioned in the previous step. When you click the badges they should show you instructions on how to claim the badge. Keep in mind for some pages they won't give you the option unless you have AP and some just block their badges from being viewed via the online profile website in general. If the creator's catalogue shows up once you click the badge hyperlink simply click the creator's profile icon via their catalogue and it should bring you to their official hyperlink (website) profile. Here you will scroll towards the end of their page where you will see the claim options next to their available badges and it should give you a notice saying the badge has been received. To add the newly received badges to your badge panel simply go to your hyperlink "my account" page and scroll to badges to start designing your badge panel. It may take some hunting but you can find a bunch of free badges! Hope this helps, I like to badge hunt on people's pages when their avatars look fancy or really freaking cool. They are typically badge magnets!!!