Tool to see people who recently joined imvu

by Shubhankar8115 · 10 posts
1 year ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 1 year ago · Author
Hey yall . Hope u all are doing well on this amazing site. I wanted to ask that does someone know that how some accounts that promote there credit selling website on imvu follow each and every new player within blink of an eye. I mean u must have come across that some fake promoting accounts just follow the new players with name check my profile/posts. Please if someone knows how to get info of all new players. Please lemme know.

Also is there a tool to post comments on random peoples post? Like i have seen some players with huge followers posting comments like(hot beautiful awesome) etc on my posts. But i can't understand how do they get my account. I have seen this on posts of my friends too. Is this a technique to recieve gifts or gain followers etc or they use some tool?

Thankyou if u can help me out please
Posted 1 year ago

Every IMVU account has a number called a CID, Customer Identification Number. To reach the newest member ... you just add 1 to the highest CID in IMVU's data and check every few seconds to see if it has been populated. Or, add 10 and loop back to the last CID you sent a message to, checking each one for populated data. It's an algorithm based on auto populate primary keys in a relational database.
Posted 1 year ago · Author
@Don Von Alpha Dom

Thankyou sir but is there a tool by which i can comment on random posts?
Posted 1 year ago · Author
@Don Von Alpha Dom

Oh OK sir thankyou
Posted 1 year ago

import requests
import time

imvu_counter = cid_of_created_account
session = requests.Session()
while True:
    code = session.get(f"{imvu_counter}")
    if code.status_code == 200:
        print(f"User {imvu_counter} exists")
        imvu_counter += 1
        print("User does not exist")

This is the best current approach I can think of right now. U create an account and since CIDs are an incremental primary key value as Don mentioned, you could easily create a new to get the most recent cid and track from there who joined by looping it. Do not abuse this, as IMVU did recently introduce (since march) a rate limit which limits u to do 10k requests every 2 to 3 minute, the retry after says 600, but in reality it doesn't cope with the timing I did.

Evading the rate limiter shouldn't be too hard. Rate limit is bound to IP and account, so I'd say per IP bind an account. THis is because IMVU also expires sessions because of their whole geolocation thing from what I've experience.

Any prebuilt tools? As far as I know not really, so u'r gonna have to get crafty, and make such a tool yourself, but it's not too hard to do so given the easy approach you have.

And for comments is also relatively easy, you need a OSCSID cookie and a sauce (csrf token) for sauce look for x-imvu-sauce header or go to{me} and look for sauce (you must first login thru the imvu site as this is an authenticated requests or session cookies must be present). Wihout the brackets of course by me. Otherwise the form will place some weird stuff.

It is worth mentioning that u would have to learn how to send such requests but if u'r looking for a comment bot. U can start off simple with Python asyncio or concurrent futures for concurrency, u may also look into parallel, but I don't know how that goes for Python with Global Intepreter Lock. I'd suggest something more common and faster built for this aka: Golang, Rust, CSHARP or PHP (Advanced stuff).

Much luck in your persuit to this kinda thing.
Posted 1 year ago · Author

Sir i am obliged to get ur help but tbh i didn't understand anything. Can u tell me in easy words plss
Posted 1 year ago
@Don Von Alpha Dom

Yes it is
Posted 6 months ago
Thanks for the information

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