What would you do if

by Hantarione · 58 posts
14 years ago in Social Games
Posted 4 years ago
My phone was out of juice while I was out of town. I wasn't able to use gps so I pulled by a Mexican restaurant and knocked their back door. They were so helpful they gave me charger and let me charge in the back.
Posted 2 years ago


if it's a guy i will ask them to leave and if a girl i will ask them to leave immediately.
Posted 1 year ago

What would you do if you got access to the US Government's hidden secrets?

Keep my lips shut. That sort of leak has real world consequences, people die when govt secrets are released to the public. They are secrets for a reason. The last thing you want is to be the reason a bunch of soldiers and secret agents die. Makes it hard to sleep at night, weighs on your conscious. Loose lips sink ships.

What would you do if a cat showed up at your door?
Posted 1 year ago
hmm I would shoot first ask questions later

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