Imvu discover

by DARKSHADOW715 · 8 posts
1 year ago in IMVU News
Posted 1 year ago

We actually took the time to track down and interview the secret people who judge and determine individuals for discover. These judges are given a secret list of disqualifications and qualifications. IMVU has a very very long list of things that disqualify you to be on discover. They check your entire Instagram feed and IMVU feed. From what we have been told, it is almost impossible for real accounts to get on discover. Most of the accounts you see on discover are fake dummy accounts that are manicured and groomed specifically to make it onto discover; never used for actual chatting and socialization; all pics and relationships are faked and carefully staged.

0) If they think you may have used third party software or scripts to gain an unfair advantage
1) You or your partner are a furry or have a furry in your pics; covers any and all fur gear. IMVU staff consider any and all fur gear to be sexual in nature. Does not matter if it is GA vs AP.
2) You or your partner are any sort of Pegan / wiccan or have a pic in your feed alluding to such
EDIT: IMVU staff edited this rule to include all religions, religious symbols, or mentions of religion / god(s); after someone complained that it unfairly targeted pagans
3) No spam nor advertisements in your feed
4) No child avatars on yourself, your partner, nor anyone else in your pics
5) No pregnant avatars on yourself, your partner, nor anyone else in your pics
6) No mentions of kids, that kids exist, or that procreation is even possible or is something that exists.
Edit: This includes no family photos.
7) Nothing sexual. Nothing over sexualized nor suggestive content
8) Nothing controversial so that everyone can easily enjoy without picking sides.
9) No public drama in their history
10) No Old style noob avatars
11) No, Only a single avatar in most pics
12) No empty backgrounds.
13) No filters from mobile, nor any other kind of edits, only direct camera photos.
14) Usernames and product ID's must all be visible for every pic in feed
15) The same person can not be displayed on Discover more than once per event
16) No Copywrite brands / logos
17) No alcohol, no bottles, and no champagne glasses
18) No tattoos with hidden messages
19) No bad language
20) No glitchy looking avatars (perfect hands, arms, legs, hair)
21) No weapons
22) No blood
23) Don't be black listed; if they judge you and you fail badly ... you get placed onto a black list, so they do not waste time judging you again. Judges are not allowed to ignore the black list.

0) Posts on Instagram using the current # hashtag challenge relevant to that day and month.
1) Can attend imvu staff events and get found when posting from there too!
2) Must be the same day.
3) Diversity
4) High quality avatars wearing high quality products
Modern skills and well put together avies.
5) Creativity
6) High quality backgrounds

So, if your goal is to get on Discover, your best option is to make a brand new IMVU and brand new Instagram, and only use those accounts to create content that is allowed on Discover. Make dummy accounts to be its partner / friends, and have them follow the same rules. Then participate in IMVU's events and use their hashtags.
Posted 11 months ago · Author
it is always like this same repeated candidates are chosen by them, and i have seen one person get on discover 2 times in a day also not all people products were visible, and i guess during the woc thee people who get discovered are likely who spammed a lot, but its kinda a faster way toget followers and grow the shop in start but if we consider a specialised niche in creating it tends to more successful rather than being dabbled in every kind of category.
Posted 11 months ago
DARKSHADOW715 wrote:
it is always like this same repeated candidates are chosen by them, and i have seen one person get on discover 2 times in a day also not all people products were visible, and i guess during the woc thee people who get discovered are likely who spammed a lot, but its kinda a faster way toget followers and grow the shop in start but if we consider a specialised niche in creating it tends to more successful rather than being dabbled in every kind of category.


I totally agree with you. But this is IMVU. it will never change. Take care and stay safe.
Posted 11 months ago
That list of disqualifications.. Damn, no wonder the main accounts are groomed to be politically correct for imvu.
Posted 11 months ago
@Don Von Alpha Dom

thanks for this sir!
Posted 11 months ago
@Don Von Alpha Dom

Thank You For Your Informations

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