Ap in imvu ? Worth buying?

by DARKSHADOW715 · 9 posts
1 year ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 1 year ago · Author
Hey, As we know There is two types of community in imvu AP and GA, but is the AP really worth buying? As we can see even if we AP most a male can get is that tiny unexcited dick which is practically of no use. And as all bm triggers doesn't even need us to have AP so practically I don't think there is any use of it for males, but for females it's really useful as there is lots of products and many things for female in AP practically everything except actions and all, but yeah if u want to watch them wearing those u will need AP as well, AP sometimes look legit and sometimes just a scam. What are your thoughts on this guys?
Posted 1 year ago
i think ap is only worth if you want to speak to people that is not in his fake account or are above
18+ so you can avoid childs and stuff like that, but kinda wish there were more stuff like the black market in ap store
Posted 1 year ago
With the old price of almost 20 dollars not really but with the discount right now maybe.
Posted 1 year ago
definitly ap had many diffeent featurs and pro , very little if any cons, you get to keeo it forever and it opens a whole other world to imvu for you and your imvu experience
Posted 1 year ago
well sadly if u want to swear and stuff in public rooms u'll gonna need ap now...vu has a chat censor now so anything thats not GA wont go through and u'll have to find ways to say it without getting it censored...there's ton of cool ap stuff in the shop too plus it's one time payment and u keep it forever so i say it's worth it
Posted 1 year ago
Yea At Least It'll Let You Can Join Any Room
Posted 1 year ago
i have when 3year on imvu with a GA account only. now i have AP and i weel it just open up more room and more to shop from that looks more real and it a better shop. but it also depends on if you will be using the AP or will you be in GA room and shop more. it all more about your game performance and what you plan to do more
Posted 1 year ago
AP was a good thing back in the days when IMVU has less restrictions that they have come to have now. AP is a good thing cause you get to experience the AP structure of life seeing naked bodies going to the sexy rooms having fun etc. They take the fun out of it when they don’t give us the right male parts and taking any trigger we would get which make it less interesting or make question what they have AP for. Yes it’s a scam a rip off for the most parts when it comes to a guy but for y’all females it’s everything cause yall get to have y’all parts like it suppose too we lack a lot on your end!

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