Room Removals?

by HateIMVUsflaws · 8 posts
9 months ago in Help & Support
Posted 9 months ago · Author
I found it funny how IMVU is being a hypocrite

They starting to patch up the sex rooms and delete naked avatars what should we do about this

They keep removing sex rooms because it “violates” their guidelines when they want to make you buy $20 for AP
Posted 9 months ago

If an account uploads a product and does not login for a year, then IMVU removes the product from their server. This is true of all products, not just sex products. It is a new rule though, that they made about a year ago. So, we are just now starting to see the results. Products are getting patched not because they are getting caught, but rather because the people who upload them on a spare account are forgetting to login to the spare account yearly.
Posted 9 months ago · Author
Oh ok thanks for the information

-- Tue Mar 19, 2024 6:35 pm --

How about the poses in the rooms? Because they don't show up when the room is gone for weeks.
Posted 9 months ago
The only time I've seen IMVU "CLOSE" a room is when it gets reported and has a UFI'd product in it. They usually slap you with a warning, but they do not delete the room. If you log onto PC and go to MY ROOMS, it is there, you just have to set it from "CLOSED" to "OPEN".

If you are saying the poses are gone out of the room (assuming you are the owner) and you accessed it from your private rooms lists after it was "closed" by Vu, then yes it will show an empty shell.
Posted 9 months ago · Author
Should I be careful while having black market item ? Because I heard PC users can look at what you have on
Posted 9 months ago
HateIMVUsflaws wrote:
Should I be careful while having black market item ? Because I heard PC users can look at what you have on


yes. some people on vu can be strict about it....i've seen a few room bios where they state NO TRIGGERS. people can report it if they see u have it. as for having it show up in the product in scene not sure... normally its hidden but idk...
Posted 9 months ago

Yes, try to avoid using triggers in public rooms. Instead, do your best to stick to private rooms since they can easily be taken away if someone reports them.
Posted 9 months ago
Well if you really want to use your Trigger in public Rooms i would use in the so called Jujum rooms since most of the times its just a bunch of horny people or generally just people who dont get the creeps when they a dick or generally a naked person, i've been using my trigger in those rooms for a while now and i havent had any negative expierences, most of the times i even get praised for having it LOL.

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