Paranormal experiences that have happened to you

by Hamell · 9 posts
1 year ago in Off Topic
Posted 1 year ago · Author
I make this post to share paranormal experiences that have happened to us some time

I am quite skeptical about these topics but there will always be some experience in our lives that we cannot explain.
Posted 1 year ago
Years ago (I remember being 8 or 9yo) I was alone at my grandmother's house with my cousin, she had gone to drink water while I was in the bedroom, minutes later I also went to the kitchen for some water (the kitchen of my grandmother's house has a window right next to the refrigerator) and when I closed the refrigerator I saw a human-shaped shadow pass from left to right, At the same time the dry leaves on the floor creaked as if someone stepped on them, but obviously there was no one... When I arrived at the room scared I was silent but about half an hour later I could not hold it and I told my cousin that I had seen a shadow in the kitchen window and the dry leaves being stepped on, the worst of the case? She told me: "When I went to drink water before you I saw it too" lol. During that night I did not go out to the kitchen or bathroom anymore xD
Posted 9 months ago
Long time ago I encounter a paranormal activity where in my attic while im sleeping I would hear someone walking in heels above my head for years and one night I felt someone pull the cover off my body and as i was tryna pull it back I seen the figure move over to the side of my bad my body was stiff I wasnt able to move but I could see on corner of my eye that it was by my girl but I couldnt say anything.
Posted 9 months ago
I had an uncle who died of diabetes, and my dad placed two of his antique hurricane table lamps into my childhood bedroom. The keys on the lamps would randomly turn and click, turning the lamps on or off. It was .... disturbing. For the longest time, I thought it was my dead uncle trying to communicate with me.

Posted 9 months ago

There's an old base ball field a few blocks away from where I live, Me and a few friends were down there one night at around 2am and we kept seeing this shadow in a paddock across the road. It got closer and closer each time we looked, We decided to leave and as we walked away we heard a scream from behind us, We turned around and the shadow was gone.
Posted 9 months ago
My uncle peacefully died in my mom's house. I used to live with my dad back in 2010, On vacations I decided to visit my mom and she gave me the bedroom where my uncle passed away. I remember feeling someone setting next to me in the bedroom, like when you feel the bed drops down a bit or moves, just like that, and always that thing when you feel somethins is behind you. No one wanted to be alone in the house in the night, I remember I had to stay about 4 days alone in the house, and I experienced a lot of weird stuff like lights turning on, off, unknown noises and things like that, at for now the house is abandoned.
Posted 6 months ago
In the heart of an old city, whispers of ghostly tales echoed through narrow streets. Curiosity led me to explore an abandoned mansion, its crumbling façade concealing secrets of the past. As twilight fell, an eerie chill enveloped me, and shadows danced in the moonlight. Suddenly, footsteps echoed from empty corridors, and cold fingers brushed against my skin. Panic gripped me as unseen forces toyed with my senses. With trembling hands, I fled, haunted by the inexplicable encounter, forever changed by the paranormal energies that lingered in that forsaken place.
Posted 4 months ago
When i was a child, i saw some humanoid shadows in the walls of my room, and they were taking my stuff, until i yelled to my mom to come by and turno on the lights. At that point, the shadows dissapeared. I'm not sure of it was true or a dream, but i still remember my mom coming to my room telling me It was all a nightmare and to go to sleep again.
Posted 2 months ago
The building I work in is very old. When I’m alone at the office I feel like I’m being watched but not in a bad way - like something curious is there. It’s weird things only seem to happen in the bathrooms on our floor. Many times I will be in a stall and see the shadows of feet walk by. I try to hurry to use the restroom but when I come out no one is there. I mentioned this one day to the rest of the staff half joking. One of the girls said this happens to her all of the time too. One of the males said he was in the stall and dropped the toilet seat cover. A hand came from the other stall kind of handing it back. He thought that was strange for someone to do and decided to come back to the bathroom in a few minutes but when he came out, no one was there. One of our cleaning ladies out of the blue told me that the 2nd floor and the 14th floor are the most haunted. It’s weird because I work on the 4th floor and many many times the elevator has randomly opened on the second floor and sometimes it won’t close and I get frustrated, I get out and take the stairs.

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